How to Create a Promo Code for Membership Fees

A Contact can use a Promo Code when applying for Membership or when renewing their Membership! The usage of a Promo Code will deduct either a flat rate from the Membership Fee, or a percentage from the total invoice.

This article covers Membership Promo Codes. If you are looking to learn about Event Promo Codes, consult this Knowledge Base article instead.

In Member365, only one Promo Code can be used at a time. It is not possible to apply multiple Promo Codes to the same transaction.


Create a Membership Promo Code

A Membership Promo Code can be applied to any Membership Fee, regardless of Membership Category!

As such, Membership Promo Codes are created through the ‘Financial’ module, and not through the Membership Category settings.



1. From the Member365 Administrator Dashboard, click ‘Financial’ at the top of the screen.


2. On the drop down menu, click ‘Promo Codes’.


Configure a Membership Promo Code

3. Click "Create Promo Code



4. Populate the ‘Code’ and ‘Description’ fields.



The ‘Code’ is the string your Members will enter upon processing their payments, to apply the Promo Code and receive the discount. The ‘Description’ is simply for your own organizational and tracking purposes.

4. Click ‘Membership’ next to ‘Additional Items’, then choose what type of Membership Fee this Promo Code will apply to.

Image showing that we've selected this Membership Promo Code to act as a discount for the Renewal Fee.


A Membership Promo Code can only ever work for one specific type of Membership Fee, of the ‘Addon’‘Application Fee’‘Renewal Fee’, or ‘Tier’ options shown above.

If you would like to provide discounts on both Applications and Renewals, you would need to create two separate Promo Codes: one for Membership Application Fees, and one for Membership Renewal Fees. It is impossible to create a singular Promo Code that will work for both Applications and Renewals.

5. Configure the rest of the Promo Code’s financial options as necessary. This is where you will determine how much of a discount it will be worth, how many members can use it, and when it can be used.

Image showing the remaining settings for Promo Code configuration: discount type, amount, number of uses limit, date limit, and sub-ledger.

Discount Type

Choose ‘Fixed’ if this Promo Code will deduct a specific dollar value from the Membership Fee when it’s used. Specify the exact dollar value in the ‘Amount’ field.

Choose ‘Percentage’ if this Promo Code will deduct a percentage off of the entire invoice when it’s used. Specify the percentage to be discounted in the ‘Amount’ field.

In our example above, the Promo Code will add a 100% discount to the entire invoice if a Contact applies the code upon renewing their Membership.

Limit Number of Uses?

Toggle this ON if you would like to limit how many transactions this Promo Code can be used on before it becomes unavailable.

In our example above, only one Member will be able to use the Promo Code since we entered ‘1’ into the ‘Number of Uses’ field.

An example of this would be “The first 100 renewals save 10%!”

Limit Usage by Date?

Toggle this ON if you would like to specify when exactly the Promo Code can be used. A Promo Code cannot be used before its ‘Start Date’, and cannot be used after its ‘End Date’.

You can use this for things like early bird discounts, last minute renewal drives, etc.

General Ledger Account

Ledger Accounts are simply for your accounting purposes in Member365. You can choose which Ledger Account this Promo Code’s discounts will be saved to in your reporting by choosing from the drop-down menu.


Image indicating the 'Create Promo Code' button.

6. Remember that you need to click ‘Create Promo Code’ to confirm your configuration, and to save the new Promo Code to your system.


Congratulations, you now know how to create and configure Promo Codes for Membership Fees in Member365.

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