How to Manage General Ledger Accounts

Member365 offers configurable ledger accounts to help your organization track the movement of money processed by Member365.

Configuring our default ledger accounts, and adding any needed by your organization, is an easy process that takes the hassle out of sharing accounting data between Member365 and your organization's accounting software.

Here’s how you do it:

1. From your administrator dashboard, click ‘Financial‘ in the top toolbar.


2. In the Financial options screen, click the green ‘Settings’ button in the Settings section.

3. In the Financial Settings screen, click ‘General Ledger’.

This will bring you to your General Ledger settings. From here, you can edit your existing accounts, or create new ones.

Editing Default Ledger Accounts

After completing the step above, the General Ledger settings screen will present a list of Member365 default ledgers, with editable fields (pictured below).

A. The account labels pictured above are those that come configured by default by Member365. Edit them as needed to ensure consistency with the account labels used in your accounting software.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The {taxLabel} tag in the second row pictured above is a variable tag. This allows Member365 to present the appropriate tax when dealing with taxes of different types (HST, PST, Sales Tax, etc)

B. Column B lists account numbers. Set arbitrarily by Member365, edit them to be the same as the account numbers used by your organization to make accounting easier.

Creating a New Ledger Account

In the event that your organization requires additional accounts not listed by default; for example a ‘Refund’ account, you can create one from the General Ledger settings screen:

1. Click the ‘User Created’ tab near the top of the screen.

2. Click the green ‘Add Account’ button.

3. In the pop-up dialogue, enter the Account name, label, number, and click the blue ‘Save’ button.


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