Creating a Basic Event


This article is to help you create a basic in-person or virtual event.  We will define the different options available and show you where you can make adjustments for virtual events. 


Accessing Event Management

1. From the Admin Dashboard, hover over 'Events' in the navigation bar and select 'Manage Events' from the dropdown.

Events Manage Events.png


2. This will bring you to the Events Management page.


Creating a Basic Event

3. On the Event Management page, click the 'Create Event' button to create a new event.


4. By now, you’ll have found yourself on the  ‘Event Overview‘ screen. Input the name of your event and briefly describe it.


5. Scroll down the page. You’ll have the opportunity to add your logo, a banner, and a background to the event landing page Member365 will create for you. Feel free to pick from the files provided or upload your own!

Image Dimensions:    Banner Sizes: 550 by 800 pixels    Background: 1200 by 400 pixels

BEST PRACTICE: It is recommended that you create a banner for your event as advertising in the member portal.  Then next upcoming events banner will appear in the portal. The banner also appears at the top of the event landing page.


6. At the bottom of the page, click 'Save Draft.'  Then click on the next tab, 'Date and Location'

BEST PRACTICE:  Save as you Go!


Date & Location

Date and Location Event Tab.png

This screen will allow you to input important event location and date information.

Event Date(s)

7. Near the top of the page, under ‘Event Date(s), ‘input the date or dates of your event. These buttons will allow you to either input a single date or a range, depending on if your event is more than one day.


Start/End: The day the event starts and ends. 



Specific Dates: The date(s) and time(s) the event occurs on.




8. Input your event location including the street address, city, country, region, and postal code of your event venue. If this is a virtual meeting, you can share the event link or enter "Online", "Virtual Meeting", "Zoom", etc....


9. Don't forget to 'Save Draft' as you go. And then click on the next tab, 'Registration.'



Registration Event Tab.png


10. Select the method of online registration for your event. 


Registration option:

  • No: disable online registration. No online registers are required. This option is great for save the dates and open invitations.
  • Yes: enable online registration. When you want the contacts to register for your event, you can get an accurate number of how many people will be attending or if there is a cost for attending the event.
  • Third Party: will cause a new text field to appear, where you may enter the URL to access event registration through a third-party site.

Registration Open to Non-Members?: This button allows you to designate your event as member-exclusive or open to 3rd parties and/or the public.

Allow No-Login Registration?: Clicking this will allow members and non-members alike to register for your event without logging into their Member365 Member Portal.


Basic Online registration options: 


Open Registration: Choose the day that you want to open the event registration.  Nobody can register for the event before the Open Registration Date.

Close Registration: Choose the day that you want to close the event registration. Nobody can register for the event after the Close Registration Date.

Early Bird Date:  Contacts who register before the Early Bird Date will be charged the Early Bird Fee.

Early Bird II Date: Contacts who register after the Early Bird Date, but before the Early Bird II Date, will be charged the Early Bird II Fee.

Late Registration Date: Contacts who register before the Close Registration Date, but after the Late Registration Date, will be charged the Late Registration Fee.

Withdraw Date: Registrants cannot withdraw their tickets after the Withdraw Date.

Withdraw Penalty Date: Registrants will be charged the Withdrawal Fee if they withdraw after the Withdraw Penalty Date.

Modification Date: Registrants cannot modify their tickets after the Modification Date.

Modification Penalty Date: Registrants will be charged the Modification Fee if they modify their registration after the Modification Penalty Date.


Email Confirmation

11. Click ‘Manage‘ to bring up a rich text editor, which you can use to create an email confirmation message.

When you are doing virtual event and need to send the access information after the purchase is completed automatically.

Enter a subject line and the body of the message in the two text boxes indicated, and then click ‘OK‘. This email will send to your contacts when they register for the Event.



12. (Optional) To learn how to add a certificate to your event for all attendees to receive in the member portal, click here.



13. Select your audience. Audience settings allow you to make your events specific to particular member sub-groups, your whole membership base, or the general public.



Display Inside: this feature allows you to determine where the event is visible.

  • All workspaces: make the event visible in all workspaces in the member portal.
  • Specific workspaces: make the event only visible for members of a specific workspace.
  • General event calendar: make the event visible to the general calendar in the member portal.

Publish to Public Event Calendar?: If this event is open to the public, enable this setting to have Member365 automatically post it to your website event calendar.

Create A Portal Account For Non-Members?: If you’d like to engage your event attendees at your event and online, this setting allows registered attendees access to an event-specific member portal.


14. Spread Awareness.

Public Links are a quick and easy way to spread awareness of your events. Share this link across email and social media to bring audiences to your event!



15. Do not forget to 'Save Draft.' Then click the ‘Tickets’ tab.



Tickets Event Tab.png

16. Under ‘Tickets’, click the blue button ‘+Add.



17. Name your ticket, and apply the configuration and pricing options right for you.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For the purpose of this tutorial, we’ll keep them all in the ‘off’ state (red) to learn more about ticket configuration click here.


18. Under ‘Fee Structure’, select ‘Flat Fee’, input the prices you would like to charge for the ticket type you are creating, and check off the groups that are allowed to purchase this ticket.

Ticket Price Flat Fee.png

19. Click ‘+Add

IMPORTANT NOTE: This tutorial does not dive into ticket categories, to learn more click here.
BEST PRACTICE: To be able to track who is attending your event it is recommended that you either force ticket to purchaser or force ticket assignment so each ticket is assigned to a contact and you can communicate with registrants.


20. Set the Sales Tax settings for your ticket, and select the payment methods you would like to accept.



IMPORTANT NOTE: Under ‘Payment Gateway’, you can choose a single payment processor, or designate different ones depending on a member's location.

21. Do not forget to 'Save Draft'

Finalizing Your Event

22. After you’ve configured your registration settings as you’d like them, all that’s required to finish your basic event is to click ‘Publish’! This will create your event in Member365, and allow you to begin registering attendees! 


Advanced Settings

Member365 offers more settings to further configure your events. Learn to use these advanced settings by exploring our Knowledgebase!


Best Practices

  •  Save as you Go!
  •  To be able to track who is attending your event it is recommended that you either force ticket to purchaser or force ticket assignment so each ticket is assigned to a contact and you can communicate with registrants.
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