Event tickets allow you to offer and receive greater value from different types of event attendees. Providing customized access to different event activities and allows each attendee to engage with your event the way that they find best.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You must have a ticket on your event for registrants to have the option to register for your event.
Follow the steps below to create and customize as many event tickets as you’d like!
Accessing Event
1. From the Admin Dashboard, hover over 'Events' in the navigation bar and select 'Manage Events' from the dropdown menu. (If you don't have any events yet, you'll need to go to 'Create Event'. In this case, skip Steps 2 and 3, but the rest of the steps will be the same.)
2. This will bring you to the Events Management page. Find the event you want to edit by typing its name into the search bar or finding it in the list.
Creating an Event Ticket
4. This will bring you to the Edit Event page. Click the ‘Tickets‘ tab.
5. In the ‘Tickets‘ section, click ‘+ Add‘.
Configure Your Event Ticket
6. Name your ticket in the ‘Ticket Name’ field. This name is displayed to people registering.
7. Using each field thereafter, configure your ticket as you’d like. You can learn what each field does by scrolling over the grey question mark icon.
Allows users to select additional items to purchase or submit comments relating to dietary, accessibility, and other requirements. Meaning if you have workshops, meals, notes or addons that you want the ticket purchaser to be able to select when registering you need to click them to enable (they will appear blue if enable).
Assign Credits
If you do not have the Continued Education Unit Tracker Premium Feature, you may not see this toggle.
If the toggle is red, no credits will be assigned for attending this event.
If the toggle is green, two options will be displayed following the toggle.
- # Credits: Type the number you wish to award a member who attends this event into the text box.
- Activity Level: Select which CEU activity level you wish these credits to be assigned under
Associated Form
If you have event forms configured through the Form Builder, you’ll see them listed here. Select this option if you need to collect form data for each ticket assigned to each individual. Leave it deselected if you only need the form presented once, regardless of how many tickets are being purchased
Limits Tickets
If the toggle is red, there is no limit to the total number of this ticket type that can be purchased for this event.
If the toggle is green, three more options will be displayed following the toggle.
- Tickets Available: Specify a maximum number of this ticket type available for this event by typing a number into the text box. Once the Maximum is hit, no more tickets of this type can be purchased. If it is the only ticket for this event, the wait-list will come into effect when the ticket limit is reached.
- Email only the first person in the wait-list?
- When this toggle is red, all contacts in the wait-list will be sent an email that a spot has opened up and they can now purchase this ticket type. Tickets are sold on a first-come first-served basis, so whoever clicks the link in the email and buys their ticket first will receive the ticket.
- When this toggle is green, only the first person on the wait-list will be emailed informing them that a ticket is available to purchase. After 24 hours if the first person does not register the second person on the waitlist will be emailed informing them that a ticket is available to purchase and so on until a ticket is purchased and there are no more tickets of this type available.
- Waitlist Email Template: Click on the blue "Edit Email" button and the following box will pop-up, allowing you to customize the email the people on the waitlist will receive. Be sure to hit the green "Update" button to ensure your changes are saved.
Limit Ticket to Purchaser
When this toggle is red, the purchaser can purchase tickets for themselves AND others.
When this toggle is green, you are forcing the ticket to be assigned to the purchaser. They cannot assign the ticket to another user. They can only purchase this ticket for themselves.
Force Ticket Assignment - (Note: this toggle will not be displayed if the "Limit Ticket to Purchaser" toggle is green)
When this toggle is red, the ticket(s) being purchased do not need to be assigned to a specific person. Essentially, you will know that tickets have been purchased for this event by the person purchasing them, but you will not know who will use the tickets the day of the event.
When the toggle is green, it forces the purchaser to assign their tickets to individuals before proceeding to checkout. This means they can not complete the registration until each ticket is assigned to an individual. (Note: This will help you know who will be attending your event and be able to print event badges with names).
Bypass Assign Ticket Modal - (Note: this toggle will not be displayed if the "Limit Ticket to Purchaser" toggle is green)
This toggle only appears when an Event Form is assigned to the ticket and no additional options (workshops, meals, notes, addons, or forced ticket assignment) are enabled. When green, you allow purchasers to bypass the initial collection of contact information (first name, last name, email, organization, and job title) and they will be presented the form questions only.
Make Email Mandatory During Ticket Assignment - (Note: not displayed if "Limit Ticket to Purchaser" is green)
When the toggle is green, emails must be provided when assigning the ticket to somebody else. When red, there is no such requirement (ticket can be assigned with just a first and last name).
Limit Purchase Quantity - (Note: this toggle will not be displayed if the "Limit Ticket to Purchaser" toggle is green)
When red, there is no limit to the number of tickets of this type that each registrant can purchase.
When green, a "Purchase Limit" text box will appear allowing you to set the maximum number of tickets each registrant can purchase by typing that number into the text box.
Do Lapsed Members Receive Member Pricing?
When red, lapsed members are treated as non-members and will be charged non-member pricing. When green, a lapsed member will receive the member pricing for this ticket type.
Do Archived Members Receive Member Pricing?
When red, archived members are treated as non-members and will be charged non-member pricing. When green, an archived member will receive the member pricing for this ticket type.
Do Pending Members Receive Member Pricing?
When red, pending members (people who have applied for membership, but have not yet been approved) are treated as non-members and will be charged non-member pricing. When green, a pending member will receive the member pricing for this ticket type.
Allow Non-Member Purchase?
When red, this ticket type will only be available to Active Members of your association.
When green, this option allows users without an Active Membership to purchase this ticket. (Note: If you choose the “By Category” Fee Structure below, and this is option is toggled on (green), you can also provide a specific Non-Member price.)
Ticket Prerequisites
Use this section to require that other tickets must be purchased before this one becomes available. For example, you may want to make it so that a registrant can only purchase the "VIP Meet and Greet" ticket if the "General Conference" ticket is purchased first (someone has to attend the conference to come to the Meet and Greet, they can't just buy a Meet and Greet ticket).
Check the box of the ticket type you want to be a prerequisite for the ticket type you are currently setting up. (Here, the "General" ticket is a prerequisite for the ticket type currently being edited).
You can also have multiple prerequisites for your current ticket type. For example, perhaps you want everyone who comes to the ballroom dance after your event to have a partner. In this case, they must purchase a "General" ticket, and a "Guest" ticket, before they are eligible to purchase the ticket we are currently editing.
Linked Tickets
Linking tickets allows you to link the inventory for your tickets. For example, you may have an event that has 150 seats total, but you have two types of tickets (say, "General" and "Guest"). It does not matter to you how many General tickets and how many Guest tickets are sold - just that, when added together, there are not more than 150 total tickets sold. You don't want to say only 75 General tickets can be sold and 75 Guest tickets can be sold because some people might not bring a guest (so you would need more General tickets than Guest ones), or some people might bring more than one guest (so you would need more Guest tickets than General ones). In this case, we would set the limit for both tickets to 150 and link them together so that every time a ticket of either type is purchased, it counts towards that 150 total.
Link tickets by checking the box next to the ticket with which you want to link your current ticket. ***Importantly, you need to go into the ticket type with which you are linking (in this case, "General") and check the box beside the name of the ticket type you are currently in so they are linked bi-directionally***
8. Scroll down to configure your ticket fee structure by using the flat fee structure, or by Membership Category:
- Selecting this will allow you to set a schedule of flat fees, including ‘Early Bird’, 'Early Bird II', ‘Regular’, and ‘Late’ fees by typing the fee for each time period in the text box next to its name.
- The ‘Available to’ section allows you to restrict this ticket to different membership categories so only members in the category(ies) that is/are checked off will be able to purchase this ticket type.
Setting Fee’s by Category
Filling in the fields in this section will allow you to offer different ticket prices based on a registrant’s membership category or non-member status. Checking the boxes next to each Membership Category makes this ticket type available that Category.
Typing a price into the text box to the left of the blue "Apply to All" button allows you to set a price that will go into every text box and then you can adjust for Category or time period (early, regular, or late) by typing the revised price into the relevant textbox.
9. After configuring your fee structure, click ‘+ Add‘ to save it.
Publish Your Ticket!
10. To save your work in progress, scroll down to the bottom of the 'Edit Event' page (whether on the "Tickets" or another tab) and click ‘Save Draft’. To offer this event ticket to your members, click ‘Publish’.
IMPORTANT NOTE: When you publish an event you are not able to unpublish. Pending your setting for the audience, it will appear to your members.
Congratulations! You know more about the intricacies of setting up ticket types in Member365. While a robust ticketing system gives you lots of options to configure your tickets to meet your needs, the abundance of options can be overwhelming. If you need any further guidance, please contact our support team and we are happy to help!
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