What to Consider when Changing your Payment Gateway


Bambora is the Payment Gateway that works best with our system. Unless you are switching to Bambora, we don’t often encourage the practice of switching Payment Gateway in Member365.

The choice is still yours to make, however, and there are several pitfalls and considerations to look out for. This article will cover what you need to verify if you are changing your Payment Gateway.

Test the new Payment Gateway

Do not change your Default Payment Gateway until you test the new one you have created.

You can start with this Knowledge Base article for the general workflow of testing your new Payment Gateway, but there are a few things to keep in mind here.

When creating the test invoice, specify that you wish to process it using your new Payment Gateway.

Image showing the creation screen for an invoice, opening a drop-down menu to select the Payment Gateway,

Be Aware

You must test with a real Credit Card.

This article is intended to cover the pitfalls when switching Payment Gateways on a live site; the test Credit Cards mentioned in the linked Knowledge Base article above won’t work.

Do not make the new Payment Gateway your default until you have run a successful test.

If you are experiencing issues at this stage, verify that your settings are correct by consulting our Knowledge Base articles for PayPal Pro, Authorize, or Bambora before contacting our Support Team.

Existing Invoices and Refunds

Existing Invoices in your system are tied to the Payment Gateway they were created with. Be aware of the following:

  • ‘Pending Payment’ Invoice will process through the Payment Gateway it was created with. If you add a new Payment Gateway, existing Invoices will still process through the old one.
  • ‘Paid’ Invoice will refund through the Payment Gateway it was created and paid with. If you add a new Payment Gateway, refunds on pre-existing transactions will still process through the old one.

Once you remove your old Payment Gateway from Member365, pre-existing transactions tied to that Payment Gateway will become impossible to process or refund on the system.

If you plan to disable your old Payment Gateway, process all of your pending refunds and payments beforehand. If there’s no time to do so, void your Invoices that are ‘Pending Payment’ and re-create them on the new Payment Gateway.

Changing your Default Payment Gateway

Image showing the Payment Gateway screen, indicating the 'Default' column with Bambora toggled on.

If you change your default Payment Gateway, be aware that all system modules will update. Membership Fees, Event Registrations, and any other future transaction in the system will switch to using the new default Payment Gateway.

To continue using the old Payment Gateway for any Membership Category, Event, etc., you must go into the settings for that individual item and change its Payment Gateway back manually.

Contacts enrolled in ARB

If you use ARB, we recommend contacting our Support Team if you plan to switch your Payment Gateway.

When a Contact opts into ARB, a Payment Profile is created that links them to the Payment Gateway so that they can be charged automatically each term.

Payment Profiles will always stay connected to the Payment Gateway they were created with, even if you remove that Payment Gateway completely or disable it from your copy of Member365.

You must opt your Contacts out of ARB before changing your Payment Gateway. If you do not opt your Contacts out of ARB, the system will continue charging them on the old Payment Gateway; if that old Payment Gateway is disabled, you will encounter issues with failed Credit Card payments!

Contact our Support Team if you use ARB and wish to change Payment Gateways, so that we can help opt Contacts out for you!


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