How to Make Tickets Available to Non Members


Events aren't always just for members. If you wish, Non-Members can register for your Events in Member365.

Administrators can control how much Non-Members see. For example, access to Ticket Types can be limited by Membership Category. You can even charge different amounts of money for the same ticket, depending on Membership Category; if Non-Members should pay more for the same ticket than Members, that is easily configured in Member365!

Continue reading to learn more.

1. From your administrator dashboard, hover over ‘Events’ in the top toolbar.

hover over events.png

2. In the dropdown that follows, click ‘Manage Events

click manage events.png


3. Using the search bar, or by selecting from the list, click the event you would like to provide non-members access to.

find events.png

Grant Access to Non-Members

4. Now that you are editing the Event, click its ‘Registration’ tab.

registration tabbb.png

5. Make sure that the toggle for ‘Registration open to non-members?’ is ON. Otherwise, Non-Members will not be able to access your Event Registration.


Configure Tickets for Non-Members

6. Once you have confirmed that Non-Members can access your event, you need to specify which tickets they can purchase. Click the ‘Tickets’ tab.

tickets tabb.png

7. You can either create a new ticket exclusively for Non-Members, or edit the settings of an existing ticket. The steps will be almost exactly the same, but this article will cover each option.

Option 1: Creating a New Ticket for Non-Members

Follow these steps if you wish to create a new ticket exclusively for Non-Members. Only Non-Members will see this ticket when registering for your Event.

8. Click the ‘+ Add’ button to add a new ticket.

add ticket.png

9. The ‘Add Ticket’ window will appear. Configure your ticket’s name and other settings as needed: if you need more information on the options in the ‘Add Ticket’ window, consult this Knowledge Base article.

10. Scroll to the bottom of the ‘Add Ticket ‘window. Click ‘Flat Fee’ next to ‘Fee Structure’.

Image showing the 'Add Ticket' window and indicating the 'Flat Fee' button.

11. A list of your Membership Categories will appear, along with blank boxes for ticket prices. Fill out your ticket prices as necessary.

Check off ‘Non-Member’ and leave everything else unchecked. Only Non-Members will see this ticket when registering for your Event.

Image showing all Membership Categories unchecked except for 'Non-Member'.

12. When you are satisfied with your ticket settings, click ‘+ Add’ to confirm.

Image showing the '+ Add' button when adding or editing an Event Ticket.

Option 2: Adding a New Price on an Existing Ticket

You can add a Non-Member price onto an existing ticket. This would be the best option to choose if you want to charge Non-Members a little bit more money for the same ticket.

8. Locate the ticket you wish to edit. Click the Edit icon beside its name.

Member365-—-Membership-Management-Software (2).png


9. To charge a different amount for Non-Members, you need to use the ‘Fee Categories’ option. Scroll to the bottom of the ‘Add Ticket’ window to locate it.

Image indicating the 'Fee Category' button when configuring an Event Ticket.

10. Every Membership Category in your system will be listed: clicking ‘Fee Category’ will yield a chart, in which each row corresponds to a Membership Category. Clicking the box to ‘Enable’ will allow Contacts in that category to purchase the ticket. The rest of the row is used to specify how much the ticket will cost for that type of member.

Make sure that the existing ticket prices are correct for your other Membership Categories, filling them out if necessary, then click ‘Enable’ next to Non-Member. Enter the amount you want Non-Members to be charged for this ticket.

Image showing how 'Fee Categories' for Event Tickets looks, and showing the Non-Member row filled out and checked off.

12. When you are satisfied, click ‘+ Add’ to confirm the changes you have made.

Image showing the '+ Add' button when adding or editing an Event Ticket.

Option 3: Charging Non-Members the same Amount

If you simply wish to allow Non-Members to purchase tickets, without configuring any special pricing, then this is is the best option to choose.

8. Locate the ticket you wish to edit. Click the Edit icon beside its name.

Member365-—-Membership-Management-Software (2).png

9. For a ticket with no special pricing, simply scroll to the bottom of the ‘Add Ticket’ window and ensure that ‘Flat Fee’ is selected.

Image showing the 'Add Ticket' window and indicating the 'Flat Fee' button.

10. Assuming your ticket price has already been set, simply check off the box for ‘Non Member’ to allow Non-Members to purchase this ticket. Non-Members will be able to purchase the ticket for the same price as anyone.

Image showing a list of Membership Categories when configuring a ticket, with Non-Member highlighted and checked off.

11. Click ‘+ Add’ when satisfied to confirm your changes.

Image showing the '+ Add' button when adding or editing an Event Ticket.

Saving Changes

Regardless of which option you chose, and regardless of how you configured your tickets, click ‘Publish’ at the bottom of any tab in the ‘Edit Event’ wizard to save all changes.

Image indicating the 'Publish' button at the bottom of the page when configuring an event.

Congratulations, you now know how to grant Non-Members access to your Events!

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