How to Configure Engagement Analytics Settings

Member365 tracks the engagement of your Contacts automatically. When a Contact completes an Action in the system, their Engagement Score is adjusted accordingly.

What is an Engagement Score?

Engaging with the system in any way is considered an ‘Action’ in Member365. An Action can be anything from logging into the Member Portal, to registering for an Event, to opening an email.

When a Contact completes an Action, they earn Engagement Points.

A Contact’s ‘Engagement Score’ is the total amount of points they have earned via their Actions, within the specified period of time.

The weight of Actions can be changed, so that some things earn more Engagement Points than others. You can also change what level of activity constitutes a Contact with Low Engagement, and other Engagement Analytics Settings by following the steps in this article!

Engagement Analytics Configuration

1. From the Member365 Administrator Dashboard, click ‘Configuration’.


2. From the list of configuration options, click ‘Setup’ in the box for ‘Engagement Analytics’.

Image showing the list of Configuration options, with 'Engagement Analytics' shown and indicating its 'Setup' button.

Engagement Analytics Groups

Actions in Member365 are predefined, but you can classify the “type” of Action by assigning it to a ‘Group’.

Image indicating the 'Groups' option when editing Engagement Analytics settings.

Each Engagement Analytics Group has a name and a corresponding multiplier. The multiplier defines how many Engagement Points a Contact would earn if the complete an Action in that group!

Click ‘+ Create’ to define a new Analytics Group, or click an existing Group to edit its name or multiplier.

Image showing sample Engagement Analytics Groups, and indicating the 'Create' button.

In our example...

A Contact who completes an Action in the ‘Member Portal – General’ group will earn two Engagement Points!

Engagement Analytics Tracking

We have defined our Action Groups and multipliers. The next step is to assign the predefined Actions to our Groups!

Image showing the 'Tracking' option from the list of Member Engagement settings.

Every potential Action is already defined in Member365; you cannot edit the ‘User Action’ column. You can, however, customize how many points each Action earns by editing the ‘Group’ and ‘Unique’ columns!

Image showing the 'Engagement Analytics Tracking' page, with sample actions.

Use the first drop-down menu to assign each Action to a ‘Group’ from the previous sub-header. We defined our multipliers when we edited our Engagement Analytics Groups, so assign your Actions accordingly!

The second drop-down menu defines how often each Action will earn the Contact Points. For example, maybe you don’t want to grant someone Engagement Points every single time they access the Member Portal: the ‘Unique’ column will determine how many times an Action can earn someone points.

Image showing the drop-down menu under the 'Unique' column when editing Engagement Analytics Tracking.

Daily – This Action can increase the Contact’s Engagement Score once per day

Weekly – This Action can increase the Contact’s Engagement Score once per week.

Monthly – This Action can increase the Contact’s Engagement Score once per month

First time only (Unique) – This Action will only ever increase the Contact’s Engagement Score once.

Always – This Action will increase the Contact’s Engagement Score every time it’s taken

Engagement Analytics Settings

If you want to introduce a maximum amount of Engagement Points – so that high-activity Contacts don’t skew your data – or if you want to define exactly what constitutes a ‘Low-Engagement Member’, then edit the final series of options!

Image showing the 'Settings' option when editing the Engagement Analytics settings.

You can enable a ‘Threshold’ if you would like to specify a maximum Engagement Score for your Contacts. This allows you to cap Engagement Scores so that your Average Engagement is not thrown off by outliers!

Adding a Threshold is optional, and you can leave the toggle OFF if you do not want to cap your Engagement Scores.

Image showing the 'Threshold' toggle on, with a value of 60 entered into the corresponding field.

In our example...

We set our ‘Threshold value’ to 60.

If a Contact performed several Actions in your system that would otherwise yield a higher Engagement, their Score would be capped at 60 in this instance to protect against outliers skewing your data!

Enter a value for your ‘Members Requiring Attention %’ field. Each Contact’s Engagement Score will be compared to the Average Engagement Score of all your Contacts.

Image showing that we've set the 'Members Requiring Attention %' field to 20.

In our example...

Contacts whose Engagement Score is 20% of the Average Engagement Score or less will be classified as ‘Low-Engagement’ and flagged for your attention.

Remember to click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page to confirm your changes.


Congratulations, you now know how to customize the way your Member Engagement is tracked!

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