How to Export a List of Low-Engagement Members

This article will guide you through creating a list of low-engagement members: that is, members who show a low level of activity as measured by interactions with the Member Portal or your email communications. These members are more likely to leave or otherwise become completely disengaged (often referred to as attrition or churning); creating a list can help target and focus your efforts to re-engage these members.


Exporting a List of Low-Engagement Members

1. Log in to your Member365 Administrator Dashboard.

2. On the homepage, click the box labeled ‘Engagement Analytics Aggregate‘.

Dashboard Engagement.png


3. Click the text in the yellow box, ‘Members Requiring Attention‘.

Members Requiring Attention.png



4. Click ‘Export‘ to save a report to your computer.

Export Low Engagement Score.png


Congratulations, you have exported a list of low-engagement members!

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