How to view Engagement Analytics

Member365 measures the Engagement Analytics of your Members through actions such as Logging into the Member Portal, opening Email Campaigns and registering for Events.

Do you want to track the engagement of your Contacts, or even view a breakdown of who performed what action when? This article will show you how to do so!

Accessing Engagement Analytics

The Engagement Analytics are easy to find in Member365! Log into your Administrator Dashboard, scroll down, and click anywhere on the ‘Engagement Analytics Aggregate’ graph.

View Member Engagement

Upon clicking the Engagement Analytics Aggregate from the dashboard, you will reach the page for all Member Engagement reporting and analytics!

Engagement Statistics

The Engagement Analytics will first show the general engagement statistics.

When a Contact performs an ‘Action’ in your system – anything from logging in to registering for an Event – they earn ‘Engagement Points’. The Engagement Points of all your Contacts are collected and compared, to display as statistics when viewing your Analytics.


Average Engagement and Median Engagement will display your general Engagement Statistics. The higher your Average Engagement, the more your Contacts are using the system!

The number of Members Requiring Attention is also listed for Contacts with low Engagement Scores. You can click this number to determine which of your Members fall below your engagement threshold and therefore aren’t using the system as much!


Specify the date range for your Engagement Analytics report by setting the From and To fields. Upon clicking ‘Get Graph’, your Engagement Analytics will update to display data from within the range you’ve selected.


The first tab – titled ‘Actions’ – will show the analytics of each Action in your system within the date range that you’ve selected. You can click ‘Export’ to download a report of this data to Excel.

The ‘Actions’ report will give you this kind of data for everything from Email Views, to Workspace Discussion Posts, to anything where Contacts interacts with your system.


User Engagement

The ‘Users’ tab will list the Engagement Score of every Contact in your system within the time-frame that you have selected! Click the ‘Export’ button to download this list as an Excel file.

The Last Action of each Contact will be listed, as will the date of their Last Action. Click on the Contact’s Engagement Score to view their individual Engagement History.


Engaging with the system in any way is considered an ‘Action’ in Member365. An Action can be anything from logging into the Member Portal, to registering for an Event, to opening an email.


When a Contact completes an Action, they earn Engagement Points.

A Contact’s ‘Engagement Score’ is the total amount of points they have earned via their Actions, within the specified period of time.


Congratulations, you now know how to view and analyze your Member Portals Engagement Analytics!

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