What does ‘Related Contacts’ mean on a Contact Record?
The ‘Related Contacts’ link on a Contact Record displays all other contacts in your system who share their ‘Organization Name’field.
In other words, it is a fast way to view a list of someone’s coworkers.
The ‘Related Contacts’ link on a Contact Record is not the same as the ‘Related Contacts’ link on an Organization Record.
The ‘Related Contacts’ link for anOrganizationRecord will show any Group Memberships associated to that Organization.
The ‘Related Contacts’ link on aContactRecord, however, will simply list the names of contacts who share the Organization.
In the case of Robert Tester (below) he does not have 'Neighborhood Inc.' listed as his organization (a)), but he is part of 'Neighborhood Inc.'s Group Membership (b)).
In this case, he would show up on the 'Related Contacts' list in Organization Record for 'Neighborhood Inc.', but he would not show on the 'Related Contacts' list in someone like Fred Roger's Contact Record (below) where he is listed as being part of the Organization 'Neighborhood Inc.' (not just the Membership associated with 'Neighborhood Inc.')
Continue readinghere andherefor more clarity on the ‘Related Contacts’ link for an Organization Record and how it differs from the link discussed in this article.
How to View Related Contacts
1. From the Member365 Administrator Dashboard, type the name or email address of the contact whose record you wish to access into the search bar at the top of the screen. Click their name from the search results.
2. Click the ‘Related Contacts’ link on the left-hand side of the Contact Record.
If there is no ‘Related Contacts’ link, the contact in question either does not have an ‘Organization Name’ field at all, or they are the only employee from their company in the system.
3. The resulting page will display a list of all contacts in your system who share an Organization with the contact in question. You can click any name in the ‘Name’ column to view the Contact Record of that individual.
Congratulations, you now know the purpose of the ‘Related Contacts’ link on a Contact Record!
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