How to Automate Webinar Registration in Member365 for Zoom through Zapier

Building a Zapier connection between Member365 and Zoom allows you pass registration and attendance information back and forth between the two systems. For example, you can create a Webinar (or Meeting) in Zoom and have people register through Member365, this registration will be passed to Zoom so the person will receive the relevant link to attend. On the other hand, when they do attend, you can pass this attendance information back to Member365 so they are marked as attended within the Association Management System (AMS) which could trigger more automated workflows (like the assignment of Continued Education Units, receipt of certificates, or access to a post-event workspace, for example). In short, integrating with Zapier increases the amount of your processes you can automate so you can spend more time on other important administrative tasks.


While this article uses Zoom as an example to explain the process, the same process will work with other webinar hosting software integrated with Zapier such as PheedLoop, WebinarGeek, EasyWebinar, and more.


This article walks you through the process of passing registration from Member365 to Zoom. If you want to learn about passing attendance information from Zoom to Member365, please go to this article.


Set Up Zapier

1. If you have not yet set up a Zapier account, please refer to this article before continuing to the next step. If you already have a Zapier account, please continue to step 2

Create Event in Member365

2. If you don't know how to create a basic event in Member365. Please refer to this article.

3. On the 'Date & Location' tab, set the 'Specific Date' and time. 


3. On the 'Registration' tab, ensure online registration is set to "Yes"


4. On the 'Ticket' tab, create a ticket (if you do not know how to do that, please refer to this article) and ensure the 'Limit Ticket to Purchaser?' toggle is 'ON' (green).


Create Webinar in Zoom

5. If you do not know how to create a webinar in Zoom, please refer to their customer support files. Be sure to set the time and date the same as that in your Member365 event.


Create Registration Zap

6. From the homepage in Zapier, click 'Create'...

... and then select 'Zaps' from the drop down menu.


7. Click on the 'Trigger' button


8. Type "Member365" into the search bar and click on 'Member365' when it appears


9. Choose the trigger event by clicking on the 'Trigger event' drop down and menu and selecting "Event Registration with Assigned Ticket"


10. In the 'Account' section, beside "Connect Member365" click 'Sign In'


11. Fill in your Account Details for Member365 and click 'Yes, Continue to Member365'

emailAddress - this is the email address you use to login to the Admin Portal of Member365

Password - this is the password you use to login to the Admin Portal of Member365
domain - this is your domain with Member365. Login to the admin portal and then copy paste everything up to (and including the top-level domains; i.e, ".com", ".ca", or ".org"). For example:


12. Click 'Yes' when asked "Do You Authorize Member365 to access your data?"


13. Click 'Continue'


14. Choose your Member365 event by clicking the 'Event Name' dropdown, typing in the first few letter of your event into the search bar that pops up, and selecting the Event to which you want to connect.


15. Click 'Continue'


16. Click 'Test Trigger'


17. Click 'Continue with selected record'


17b. Step 17 will run the test and automatically take you to Step 18 to start configuring your "Action" but you can also get to Step 18 at anytime by clicking the 'Action' button.


18. Type in "Zoom" (or "zoo") to help you find 'Zoom' and select it from the list


19. Select the 'Action event' by clicking on the drop down menu and choosing 'Create Webinar Registrant'


20. In a new tab, make sure you are signed in to (on your web browser, not the app)

21. In the 'Account' section, beside "Zoom" click 'Sign In'


22. Verify that Zapier auto-signed you in to the correct Zoom account.


23. Click 'Continue'


24. Choose the webinar you created in Step 5 by clicking the drop down menu, typing in the first few letter of the Zoom webinar, and selecting it from the list.


25. Click the '+' button in beside "Enter text or insert data..." in the 'Email' box.


26. Type in "email" (or "ema") into the search bar and select 'Email Address'


27. Click the '+' button in beside "Enter text or insert data..." in the 'First Name' box, type "first name" (or "fir") into the search bar, and select 'First Name'


28. In the 'Send Confirmation Email to Registrants' box, select 'True' if you want Zoom to send a "confirmation of registration" email and 'False' if you do not.


29. Click the '+' button in beside "Enter text or insert data..." in the 'Last Name' box, type "last name" (or "las") into the search bar, and select 'Last Name'


30. (Optional) - Click the '+' button in beside "Enter text or insert data..." in the 'Organization' box, type "organization" (or "org") into the search bar, and select 'Organization Name'


31. Click 'Continue'


32. Click 'Test Step'


33. Notice the green check marks in both the 'Trigger' and the 'Action' boxes and click 'Publish'


34. You'll be taken to a "Zap published" / 'Success! Your Zap is live' screen, confirming that your Zap is set up


Congratulations! You have now automated the process of passing registration information from Member365 to Zoom using Zapier.

***If you want to learn about passing attendance information from Zoom to Member365, please go to this article.***



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