Attaching Videos to Email Campagins

Are you wondering if you're able to play a video within an email campaign?

We do not recommend that video is embedded into email campaigns as there are very few email readers that support it. Embedding video into emails is not a standard capability of most email programs. 

Here are a couple of articles to give you some more perspective:

How to Use Video in Your Email Marketing

Which Email Clients Support Embedded Videos in Emails?


You still wish to have a video in your email campaign? We have a great alternative that will allow your target email marketing lists to be able to access to videos. 

We recommended to add a thumbnail image of your video and then link to the video hosted location.

We'll go through the steps of how you're able to do that within Member365.


How to create a thumbnail and add link to it for your email campaign: 

Step 1: Go into the email campaign setup. 

Within the greenbox, this is where we will add a thumbnail and add a link. 

You will select "Image" on the right hand side. 




Step 2: Click on the image and you will drag that field to your desired location. 




Step 3: Where it says "Drop your file here" you will click on "Browse"



Step 4: There are two options: 

1. You can choose to "upload" a new file from your desktop. 


2. You can also choose an image which you have previously uploded by marking it as checked and selecting "Insert". 



Step 5:  On the right hand side, you will see a section that says "Action", here you will insert the link (URL) of the video you wish to embed. 




Step 6: Then you can select the action that will happen when the person clicks on the image. 



Congratulations!!! You have added your video by adding a thumbnail and adding a link URL. 





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