How to Create a New Administrator


Administrators are the individuals responsible in managing the membership program. They will have administrative access ( full or partial) on the CRM and Member Portal sections of the program. As an add-on perk, all Member365 subscriptions can have unlimited number of administrators.

This article will show you how to create administrators.


1. On the Admin Dashboard go to the main menu and click on 'Contacts.'


2. Click on 'Create Administrator'.



3. Fill in the pertinent fields and click on the 'Save & Continue' button.





4. You can go into the contact record you just created and on the left hand side select, "Permissions". 


5. Check off "Administrator".



6.  Select the access you want to give to the administrator. 



7. Go to the "Member Portal & Workspace Access" tab and toggle to "Yes".


9.  Decide if you wish to give them administration access to the member portal. 



10.  Here you can provide specific workspace access to the administrator. You have to check off "assign access" or (edit description, upload files, post discussions). If you check it off, you can click the green arrow to remove manual permissions.  Note - manual permissions override automatic access permissions.



Congratulations, you've created a new administrator!




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