Specifically designed for any lifetime membership category, this article will provide you with a guide on how to configure refresh reminder emails. Since lifetime membership does not renew, it is best practice to send a request to members to review their profile to see if their contact details are still current in the system. Once set up, the system will send an automatic email to remind the member to review their contact details and make any updates if necessary.
How to Access the Membership Category
1. Log in to the Member365 Administrator Dashboard. From the main menu at the top of the dashboard, click ‘Membership‘.
2. Click on the ' Category Setup.'
3.Click on the lifetime membership category name.
How to Configure the Refresher Reminder Emails
4. Click on 'Automated Emails'.
5. On the 'Refresh Emails' section, click on the ' Default Refresh Reminder' email template.
6. Review the template, update it if necessary, and click on the ' Save Updated Email' to save any changes.
7. On the Refresh Reminder section, click on the 'Add Refresh Reminder' button.
8. Set the interval date as to when the refresher email will be sent after the membership activation date.
9. Click on the 'Add to Reminder Schedule' button.
10. You may add more reminders as you like.
Congratulations! You now know how to configure refresher emails for your lifetime membership category!
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