Membership Category Badge Vs Membership Status Badge



Membership Category Badge

The membership category badge is an image representation of your membership category. If you have more than one membership type, the badge is useful not only that it identifies a particular membership type, it helps differentiate one from the other.  It likewise adds a nice visual touch to the Member Portal for those that are members in this category.

The membership category badge is displayed in the member portal under the "My Profile" menu on the membership page. 

In this guide article, it is assumed that a membership category has already been created. If you need help on how to create one, please check on this guide article


How to  create a Membership Badge

1.  From the Admin Dashboard, go to the main menu and click the 'Membership' tab.




2. Click on 'Category Setup'.




3. Click on the name of the membership category.



4. On the left side menu of the membership category, click on 'Other Settings'.



5. The top section is the Membership Category Badge. Click on the language tabs where the badge image will be displayed in both of the language versions of your system. It is recommended you upload a badge on both language sections.



6. Click on the 'Upload your Membership Category Badge' button.



7. Click on the 'Choose Files' button.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Recommended dimensions for the badge are 150 pixels wide by 85 pixels high.




8. Once the image has been uploaded, scroll down the page and click on the 'Save Membership' button.



Where to View the Membership Badge

1. On the Member Portal, click on the 'My Account' tab.


2. Click on 'My Profile.'



3. Click on the 'Membership' tab.



Membership Status Badge

Membership status badges are displayed on the member's website to indicate that they are an "Active" or 'Lapsed' member of your organization. These status badges are displayed on the member's website to indicate that they are an "Active" member of your organization. In the event that the membership lapses, you can create a "Lapsed" badge that will show their lapsed status on their website. This badge helps create awareness of the member's status as well as encourages their engagement in the membership program.


IMPORTANT NOTE:  You can not use the membership status badge unless you have a

Membership Category Badge.


How to Create a Membership Status Badge

1.  From the Admin Dashboard, go to the top bar of the Dashboard and click the 'Membership' tab.




2. Click on ' Category Setup'.




3. Click on the name of the membership category.



4. Click on 'Other Settings'.



5. Scroll down to the Membership Status Badges section and switch the Yes/No toggle to 'YES.'



6. Initially work on the 'Active' membership status badge. You may do the same steps for the Lapse or 'Non-Active' membership status badge.


7. Click on the 'Select File to Upload' and upload the image. Recommended dimensions for the badge are 150 pixels wide by 75 pixels high. 



8. Enter a message or description you want to show once the contact hovers over the 'Active' badge. You may do the same on the 'Non-Active' tab.



Congratulations! You now know the difference between a membership category badge and a membership status badge and how to create one.





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