How to Close an Open Survey

This article will guide you through closing an open survey. A closed survey is inaccessible to members, and will remain hidden from your audience unless you choose to re-open it.

Accessing the Survey

1. Log in to the Member365 Administrator Dashboard. Hover over 'Modules'

hover over modules.png

2. Then hover over ‘Surveys & Votes’ from the drop-down menu that appears, and click 'Manage'

3. Search or locate the survey you want to close, then click its name.


Closing the Survey

4. The ‘Close On’ field under the ‘Setup’ tab closes a survey after the selected date. Click the calendar icon to specify when your survey will close.

5. Choose a date in the future to schedule a survey for closure. Choose a date in the past to close a survey immediately; changing the closing date will not affect previous responses.

Click the new closing date from the calendar, then click 'Publish' to confirm your changes.

As an alternative to Step 5, you could move the ‘Open On’ date to the future: this will close the survey until that new day is reached. Always ensure that the ‘Close On’ date falls later than the ‘Open On’ date.


6. Click ‘Publish’ to confirm your changes.

Your form has been saved successfully.

(Optional) Re-Opening a Closed Survey

To re-open a closed survey, follow the steps outlined above. When you get to Step 5, adjust the ‘Open On’ and ‘Close On’ fields as necessary to open the survey during your intended window.

Congratulations, you have closed an open survey!

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