Configuring Your Member Benefits Module

1. From your Member365 administrator dashboard, click ‘Configuration‘.


2. Navigate to ‘Member Benefits’ and click ‘Setup’.

Step two will bring you to the configuration options for your Member Benefits module. Below, you can find instructions to step through every option.

Post Duration

3. Click 'Manage' beside ‘Post Duration‘. This will bring you to a page allowing you to configure how long Benefits posted by Members remain available in Member365.

Shorter post duration’s can be helpful to keep your Member Benefit ‘economy’ dynamic. Having to post and re-post benefits on a predictable basis keeps Members aware of their benefits, and offers them the opportunity to routinely update and refine them.

Longer post duration offers the advantage of stability to your roster of Member benefits. Not requiring consistent updates to benefits typically means that more benefits remain available to members, and they remain available for longer periods.

You can come back to this screen at any time to edit and optimize post duration for your Member Benefits. ***Don't forget to hit 'Save'***

Member Benefit Categories

4. From the Member Benefits Configuration options, click 'Manage' beside ‘Member Benefit Categories‘.

This screen will allow you to create categories for your benefits by clicking ‘+ Add Category‘.

Member Benefit Categories help your members organize their posts, and find them more easily. Here, we’ve provided an example. Member Benefit Categories can be changed at any time, so feel free to edit yours as needed.

To add a new category, click the green '+ Add Category' button

Then, in the pop-up window, type the name of your category in the text box and hit the green '+ Add Category' button


To edit an existing category, click on the name of the category

Then, in the pop-up window, type the revised name of your category in the text box and hit the green 'Save Category' button


To delete a category:

Click the check box beside the category you wish to delete.

This will make a red 'Delete Selected' button appear. Click that button... 

...and that will cause a pop-up asking you to confirm the deletion. Click the green 'Confirm' button and the category will be deleted.


Member Benefit Posting Management

5. From the Member Benefits Configuration menu, click ‘Manage‘ beside ‘Member Benefit Posting Management.

This will bring you to a page that allows you to control:

A. If Members can edit their benefits after posting

B. If views are counted and displayed on benefit posts.

C. If notifications are sent to administrators when benefits are posted/edited.


Member Benefit Email Templates

6. From the Member Benefits Configuration menu, click ‘Manage’ under ‘Member Benefit Email Templates’.

This brings you to a page with various templates for emails related to Member Benefits (seen below).

These templates contain the content that Member365 automatically emails to members and administrators when engaging with the Member Benefits module. Member365 includes content by default, so editing these is not necessary, but is available here if needed.

To edit one of these templates, simply click on the template you wish to edit

This will open a pop-up that allows you to edit the subject and body of the email. When you are happy with the changes, click the green 'Save' button.


On Screen Messages

7. From the Member Benefits Configuration menu, click ‘Manage‘ beside ‘On Screen Messages’.

Like step 6 above, clicking this option will bring you to a page offering you the ability to adjust content displayed to members when engaging with Member365’s Benefit Module. Unlike step 6, the content here is displayed to users on-page when interacting with the Member Benefits module through the Member Portal.

Clicking any of these options will bring you to a page offering you the ability to change content seen by members throughout the Benefits module. Change the messaging as desired, then click the green 'Update' button to save the changes.


Finishing Touches

8. Return to the Main Configuration Menu by clicking 'Configuration’ once again.


9. Navigate to ‘Member Benefits‘, and ensure it is enabled by clicking the red ‘Disabled‘ button, if visible.

Once you click this button, a pop-up will open, click the blue 'Enable' button

Once you have clicked 'Enable', the old (red) 'Disabled" button will be replaced with a green 'Active' button. ***If you already see the 'Active' button, there is no action required for step 9***


With step 9 complete, you’re finished configuring your Member Benefits Module! Remember that you can return to the Member Benefits configuration menu at any time to update and refine your configuration settings!

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