How to Email LMS Course Certificates to Contacts

You can add a Completion Certificate to an Learning Management System (LMS) Course in Member365.

These Completion Certificates can be emailed directly to Contacts! To learn how to email LMS Course Certificates to Contacts, continue reading this article. For a refresher on the LMS Module itself, consult this Knowledge Base article first.

This process is not automatic

LMS Certificates will not be emailed to Contacts automatically when they submit to a course.

To send the Certificate, you will need to mark the Contact as having completed the course manually as an administrator. Steps for that process will follow at the end of the article.

Edit the LMS Course

If you wish to email Certificates to Contacts when you mark their LMS Course as completed, you must edit the settings of that course as such.

1. From the Member365 Administrator Dashboard, hover over ‘Modules’ from the bar at the top of the page.

hover over modules.png


2. Hover over ‘Learning Management System (LMS)’ from the drop-down menu that appears.

3. From the next drop-down menu, click on ‘Manage Course'.


Configure LMS Certificates to Send

The next step will be to configure your LMS Course to email Certificates upon marking Contacts as complete.


To learn how to add a Certificate to an LMS Course, consult this Knowledge Base article.

4. Locate your LMS Course from the list, then click its name.


If you are creating a new course, click the ‘+ Create Program’ button instead. Consult this Knowledge Base article if you are not familiar with the LMS Module.

5. Click the ‘Certificates’ tab. If you need to learn more about LMS Certificates and how to add them to your course, read this article.

Image showing the 'Certificates' tab from the list of tabs when editing a LMS Course.

6. Enable the ‘Email certificate to student when they are marked as completed?’ toggle.

Click ‘Edit Email’ to configure the template of the email that will send to Contacts containing the link to your Certificate.

Image indicating that the 'Email certificate to student when they are marked as completed?' toggle is set ON, and indicating the 'Edit Email' button below.

7. Customize the email template as you wish. This is the email that will send to your Contacts containing the download link for your Certificate.

Image showing a sample template for the email containing a LMS Certificate download link.


Do not edit the ”[…] and can be found here” link.

Do not remove the “{download-link}” tag either.

Both of those will generate links to the course’s Certificate automatically. If you edit the pre-linked message or the tag, your Certificate will not send properly.

8. When you are satisfied with these settings, click ‘Update’ at the bottom of the page to save your changes.

Image showing the 'Update' button at the bottom of the page when editing an LMS Course.

Mark the Course as Completed

The Certificate will not send to Contacts automatically. You need to mark them as having completed the LMS Course manually as an administrator. Upon doing so, the Completion Certificate will be emailed to them.

9. Use the Search Bar from the Administrator Dashboard to locate a Contact who has completed the LMS Course.

Image showing an example of using the Search Bar from the Administrator Dashboard.

10. On the left-hand side of their Contact Record, click ‘Education’ from the list of tabs.

Image showing the 'Education' tab from the list of tabs on the left-hand side of a Contact Record.


If the ‘Education’ tab is not displaying, then this Contact was not enrolled into any LMS Course.

This Knowledge Base article covers LMS Course Access and how to control it.

11. Click the tab labeled ‘Online Training’ from within the Contact’s Education settings.

Image showing a sample Contact's Education settings, and indicating the 'Online Training' tab.

12.  Locate the LMS Course whose Certificate you are emailing to this Contact. Click the icon in its ‘Mark as Complete?’ column.

Image showing our sample LMS Course on a Contact's Education page, indicating the corresponding icon in its 'Mark as Complete?' column.


If the LMS Course in question is not present on this page, you will need to double check that the Contact is indeed enrolled in your course.

This Knowledge Base article covers LMS Course Access and how to control it.

13. Acknowledge the warning that pops up. When you mark an LMS Course as Complete, Contacts can no longer submit or resubmit to its assignments.

Please note that marking this course as complete will set all assignments as complete as well. The user will no longer be able to complete any Quiz, Video or Assignment for that course. Are you sure you want to mark this course as complete?

14. Click ‘Mark as Complete’. This Contact will receive an email with a link to the LMS Course’s Certificate!

The email containing that link will be in line with the template you confirmed in Step 7.


Congratulations, you now know how to email Certificates to Contacts upon marking their LMS Course as complete!

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