How to Delete an LMS Program

This article will guide you through deleting an LMS program.

Deleting an LMS Course

Deleting a course will remove not only all assignments but all of your records on course enrollment, progress and completion. Be sure that your situation won’t be solved by merely hiding the course from public view.

Accessing Course Configuration

1. Log in to your Member365 Administrator Dashboard.

2. On the top bar, hover over ‘Modules‘, then hover over ‘Learning Management (LMS)‘ and then click ‘Manage Course‘.

Deleting a Course

3. Click on the trash bin icon next to the name of the program you would like to delete.

4. A pop-up window featuring a disclaimer will appear. This is essentially the same warning as the one featured at the top of this article: you will lose all assignment and enrollment data, and will not be able to retrieve it or include it in reports.

Click ‘Confirm‘ once you are sure.

Congratulations, you have deleted a course!

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