How to Include a Form During Event Registration


This article will guide you through attaching a form that event registrants will be required to fill in in cases where you need more information from your attendees. 

Attaching a form to an event means that all registrants will be required to fill in the form regardless of ticket type; however, you may also choose to require specific forms for specific ticket types, even if the event already has a form attached. In that case, a registrant would have to fill out both the form associated with the event and the form associated with their ticket type. To attach a form to a specific ticket type, follow the procedure in this Knowledge Base article.


Creating the Form

1. Log in to your Member365 Administrator dashboard.

2. On the top bar, hover over ‘Modules‘. From the drop-down menu that appears, hover the cursor over ‘Forms’ and then click ‘Create New‘.


3. In the section labelled ‘Event Registration’, click ‘Create‘.


4. Enter a name for the survey into the ‘Name’ text field, and use the drop-down menu below it to select a category. 

Add Category

If you do not have an appropriate category already, click ‘Add‘. A dialogue box with a text field will appear; enter a name into this text field, click ‘Add‘, and then select that name from the ‘Category‘ drop-down menu.

***Same goes for 'Sub-category'.***

If an appropriate category exists, select it from the drop-down menu and skip to step 7. If there is no appropriate category, proceed to the next step.


7. Click the button labelled ‘Launch Form Question Editor‘ indicated in step 5. See our guide on using the Form Question Editor. Once you are done creating your form, click ‘Save‘, and proceed to step 8.


8. Click ‘Publish‘ on the page you return to after completing the form.

Accessing Event Configuration

1. Log in to your Member365 Administrator Dashboard.

2. On the top bar, hover over ‘Events‘. In the dropdown that follows, click ‘Manage Events‘.

Events Manage Events.png


3. Find the event by typing its name into the search bar or finding it in the list, and then select its name or the pencil icon next to it.

search for events.png

4. Click the ‘Form Questions‘ tab, select your newly-created form from the drop-down menu, then click ‘Publish‘.


Congratulations, you have included a form in this event’s registration process!

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