How to Cancel or Remove an Event Registration


This article will guide you through cancelling or removing an event registration, which includes cancelling the associated unpaid invoice as well as refunding the contact. When people withdraw from events, it's important to cancel/remove their event registration to keep invoices and attendance up to date.


Impersonating a Contact

1. Log in to your Member365 Administrator Dashboard.

2. Click the ‘Search Contacts‘ bar and enter the name of the contact to whom you would like to assign an event registration. Click their name once it appears.

Search Fred.png


3. On their contact profile, click the ‘Impersonate‘ button on the left-hand side; click ‘Continue‘ in the prompt that appears.



Deleting Registrations

4. In the Member Portal, click ‘Events‘ and select ‘My Event Registrations‘ from the drop-down menu that appears.

Events My Registrations.png


5. Find the event in the list of registrations, and in the ‘Action’ column, click ‘Modify‘. 

Events Modify Reg.png


6. Click the trash can icon to the left of the ticket you are looking to cancel.

Delete Event Registration Ticket.png


7. Click ‘Confirm‘ in the dialogue box that appears. 

Confirm Event Withdrawal.png

Note: To clear the entire registration, ensure that you have completed Steps 6 and 7 for all of the tickets.

8. Once you have cleared all of the relevant registrations, click ‘Continue‘.

Workshop Selection Continue.png


9. Review the updated registration invoice. It should no longer contain the removed registrations, and the total fee should be updated to subtract the cost of any tickets removed in Step 6. If the updated invoice looks correct, click 'Process Refund'.

Process Refund.png

Note: The contact you impersonated will be automatically refunded for the cost of the event.



If you or a registrant do not see the modify button, go to the event setup, on the Registration tab, and check on the Modification Date field if there is a date value. That date represents the last date a registrant is allowed to modify the event registration. You may remove the date to temporarily to allow the modification of an event registration by a member and just enter it again once the modification is done.



Congratulations, you have cancelled an event registration!

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