Member365 offers comprehensive functionality with respect to financial management.
Follow the guides below to see how easy it is to use the many financial tools and functions available from Member365!
Setting up Your Credit Card Payment Gateway
Member365 supports a wide range of credit card payment processors. Below, you can find a link to a list of those that can be integrated with Member365, and further links to tutorials that will step you through how to do so.
Navigating Financial Settings
Member365 offers comprehensive control over financial settings from the Financial Settings Menu. Learn to find and navigate this menu by reading the article below:
Creating an Invoice
Learning to create an invoice with Member365 will familiarize you with the many functions and capabilities of our invoice builder.
How to Process a Refund
A fundamental skill for financial management, the tutorial linked below will demonstrate how to process refunds through Member365
Building Financial Reports
Member365 offers easy to use financial reporting tools that make accessing financial data, and sharing it with Accounting Software, a straightforward process. Learn where to find our Financial Report builder, and how to use its many functions, by clicking the link below:
Creating Promo Codes
Promo codes are not only a fantastic way to drive applications and renewals, but provides engagement data that can help your marketing efforts. To create a promo code for memberships and events, follow the tutorials below!
Creating Dunning Reminders
Dunning reminders are a simple and effective method to generate a consistent boost to renewal rates, and Member365 makes them effortless to set up. Follow the article below to learn how!
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