How to Configure What Information Is Listed in a Directory as an Administrator

This article will guide you through configuring which pieces of information are shown in a directory when accessing the system from the administrative interface. These settings not only concern whether the information is displayed but whether or not the individual must opt in or out of each field being displayed.

Accessing Directory Configuration

1. Log in to your Member365 Administrator Dashboard.

2. On the main menu hover over 'Modules', then ‘Directory‘ from the drop-down menu that appears, and click on 'Manage Directories',



3. Click on the name of the directory you would like to configure.


Choosing Displayed Fields

1. Click the ‘Field Permissions‘ tab.


2. This page is split into two parts: the first relates to personal contact information and the second to the user’s business address. Note the two halves of the chart — ‘Member Portal’ and ‘Public Website’ — and the three fields below each: ‘Show’, ‘Force’, and ‘On By Default’.

These checkboxes control how each piece of information is treated in the Member Portal on the left half, and how each piece of information is treated in the public-facing directory.

  • Enabling ‘Show‘ means that this piece of information can be shown in the directory.
  • Enabling ‘Force‘ means that this piece of information *must* be shown in the directory and that the user cannot opt out.
  • Enabling ‘On By Default‘ means that this setting will be automatically be shown in the directory until the user disables it.
Force without On By Default

Checking ‘Force’ when ‘On By Default’ is empty means that the user will not be able to make this setting visible even if they would like to.



3. Scroll down to the second half of this page to change these settings for the user’s business address and contact information.

4. Scroll to the bottom and click ‘Save‘.

Congratulations, you have edited the field permissions for this directory!

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