This article walks you through how to remove a file from your Email Campaign file folder.
Accessing Email Campaigns
1. From the Admin Dashboard go to the Main Menu and hover over "Email Campaigns."
2. Click on "Create Campaign."
Accessing the Email File Folder
1. Enter 'What is the name of your campaign?' and 'What is the subject of your email?' then click 'Continue.'
2. Select a template or a create a new one.
3. Add a 'Button' content option to the template.
4. Click on the Button option and then click on the 'Link File' option on the right side in the Contact Properties.
5. In the File Manager, find the file you wish to delete and click on the Trashcan icon.
6. Then click the 'Delete" button.
Congratulations you have Removed a File from an Email Campaign!
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