How to Access Certificates Through the Member Portal

This article will guide you through accessing event or membership certificates as a member.

Note that event certificates can only be accessed when online registration has been enabled, and the member must have attended the event in question. If the member has no certificates, then the first menu option (‘My Certificates’) will not appear.


Accessing Event Certificates

.1. Click ‘My Account‘ and then ‘My Certificates‘.


2. Click on the name of the event whose certificate you would like to access.


3. Click ‘View and Print Certificate‘.


Accessing Membership Certificates

.1. Click ‘My Account‘ and then click ‘Membership‘ from the drop-down menu.


2. Find the membership category for which you wish to retrieve the certificate, and click either the indicated link to view the certificate or the ‘Print‘ button to print it.


Congratulations, you have accessed your certificates!

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