How a Member can Edit their Event Registration


Accessing Your Ticket in the Member Portal

1. In the Member Portal, click ‘Events‘ and in the drop-down menu that appears, click ‘My Event Registrations‘.

Events My Registrations.png


2. Find the event in the list of registrations, and in the ‘Action’ column, click ‘Modify‘.

Events Modify Reg.png


Removing a Ticket Type

1. If you wish to withdraw from the event find the name of the ticket type you wish to remove if needed, under the ‘Type’ column, and click the Trashcan icon. Note: Alternatively, you can click the ‘Remove‘ button in the ‘Action’ column on the right side of the row.

Delete Event Registration Ticket.png

2. Click ‘Confirm‘ in the window that pops up.

Confirm Event Withdrawal.png


Choosing a New Ticket Type

1. If you wish to add a new ticket, click ‘Add Ticket‘.

Add Ticket Member Portal.png


2. In the window that pops up, click the button labeled ‘Select‘ next to the name of the ticket type you would like to assign.

Select Ticket Type.png


3. Next to the name of the ticket type you have added, click the ‘Assign Ticket‘ button.

Assign Ticket.png

4. In the new ‘Ticket Details’ window, fill out at least the four fields indicated (first and last name, email address, confirmation of email address), and then click ‘Continue‘.

Ticket Details Continue.png


5. Select any workshops, meal plans or other extra features, and then click ‘Save‘.

Workshop Selection Save.png


6. Back at the Event Registration page, click ‘Continue‘.

Workshop Selection Continue.png


7. You will be presented with a link to download your newly-revised invoice. Ensure you are happy with the revised invoice and click "Confirm". Note: If the price has increased, the button will say "Process Payment" and take you to the payment page.Workshop Selection Confirm.png


8. When your payment is complete (or directly after Step 7 if there is no payment to process). You will be taken to the "Registration Complete" page, confirming the changes have been made. Event Registration Complete.png


Congratulations! You now know how to help your edit their event registration.

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