Role Management


Role Management gives you the ability to assign Related Contacts within an organization/group record different responsibilities (roles).  Primary Contacts have the ability to manage the roles within the member portal.  Admins can also adjust roles on behalf of the organization/group or Primary Contact in the CRM on the organization/group record or by impersonating the Primary Contact.



What is Role Management?

Role management allows you to assign responsibilities to contacts within the organization/group membership.

Here are the roles you may assign:

  • Primary Contact - The main point of contact at the member organization. They can assign roles to people in the organization. This is the contact that will appear in the organization directory.
    • IMPORTANT NOTE:  Only one contact can be assigned as the Primary Contact per Membership.  The primary is the owner.
  • Secondary Contact - The backup to the primary contact. Secondary contacts can assign roles to people in the organization. It can be copied on all emails sent to the primary.

    • IMPORTANT NOTE: You can click the option "Do you want to CC the Secondary on all emails that are sent to the Primary contact?"  so the secondary contact can manage the membership on behalf of the primary.  The secondary contact now has their own contact record with their own login credentials. 

  • Billing Contact - Responsible for paying for membership dues and are sent automated membership renewal reminders.

  • Membership Manager - Can create accounts for others in the organization/group, so they can login to the member portal.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Any contact assigned to a role that does not have portal access will be sent the welcome email to manage the needed role and employee account depending on the role granted.


You can also create custom roles for tracking purposes only. Click here to learn more.


What is the Difference Between Role Management, Related Contacts, and Employee Accounts?


Role Management:

  • Group Memberships have one Primary Contact. The Primary Contact is responsible for managing on behalf of the group.
  • Related Contacts can be assigned a role by the Primary or Secondary Contact for a membership category.  For example, the Accountant of the organization can be assigned as the Billing Contact role and have member portal access as a non-member to manage the membership renewals.




Related Contacts:  

  • Related Contacts may or may not be members.
  • When Contacts are added to your system, there is a field to enter their ‘Organization Name.’ Organizations are added to your system when Contacts sign up with an Organization name.
  • Every Organization in your copy of Member365 has a Related Contacts list. This list checks Contact Records for the ‘Organization Name’ field that matched the Organization Record.
  • Contacts whose profiles share an Organization Name will be Related Contacts of the Organization.
  • The organization name in the Contact Record is the only criterion determining whether someone is a Related Contact. Your users can be Related Contacts for each other and their Organizations, regardless of their Membership status. 
  • You can have a related contact that is not an Employee for the membership on the Organization Record.

For more information on Related Contacts, continue reading here.




Employee Accounts:

  • Employee Accounts are members that do not manage the membership in any way but have access to the Member Portal and Member Benefits.
  • Think of Employee Accounts as simply ‘Group Members.’ It is just the term used to differentiate between a group’s Primary Contact, who is the owner of the membership and manages the roles. 

For more information on Employee Accounts and tips on working with them in Member365, consult this Knowledge Base article.




When and Why would I use Role Management?

Role Management is for group membership categories when you want different contacts to have specific responsibilities based on their assigned role.

Example 1: 

Each person that owns a membership has the ability to apply roles to people within their organization to assist in managing their membership. This person is referred to as the primary member. 

For example; Colin is the owner of the gold membership. Colin needs a contact to assist him with the renewal process and payments for the gold membership. Colin decides that John, who is the accountant in the organization should be responsible for this role, therefore assigns John the role of Billing contact. John will now receive all renewal reminders and have the ability to pay for "Colin's" membership. 

Colin also needs a contact to manage which people have access to the membership benefits. To solve this Colin can give the role of membership manager to a contact within his organization. Once the membership manager is assigned to a contact they will have the ability to add and remove people from within the member portal. 

Finally, Colin would like to have another member of his team receive all emails that are sent to him so he assigns a contact in the organization to be a secondary contact. The secondary contact will be given a contact record and member portal access.  The secondary contact also has the ability to add and edit roles on behalf of Colin, however, the secondary contact cannot remove or edit the primary role. 


Example 2: 

Sue James the membership admin for ABC Inc. creates an organization membership for Gold Sponsors. She wants a membership for each organization with one Primary Contact then all the employees to be attached to that membership and have access to the Member Portal.  However, one of Sue's member's Primary Contact, John Smith the CEO of EFG Inc. wants the Office Manager, Ken Don to manage the employee's membership access, and Jane Doe the Accountant to manage the renewals.  To accommodate John at EFG Inc. Sue added the related contacts to the database and then goes to their Organization Record to the Role Management tab assigns John Smith as Membership Manager so he can add or remove employees as need, then she assigns Jane Doe the Billing Contact role to be able to process the renewal on behalf of the organization. Now John Smith can update any role from within the Member Portal.


How to Change the Primary Contact

The Primary Contact of an Organization/Group Membership is responsible for enrolling into the membership contact on behalf of the group. They are the main point of contact at the member organization/group. They can assign roles to related contacts in the organization/group. This is the contact that will appear in the organization directory. Read this article to learn how to determine or change an organization/group Primary Contact.


How to Add or Edit a contact Role as an Administrator

Administrators can add or edit the roles for the organization group memberships on behalf of the Primary Contact by going to the organization/group record and click role management on the left-hand menu.  Read this article to learn more about adding or editing a contact role as an administrator.


How to Add or Edit a contact Role as a Primary

The Primary Contact is the main point of contact at the member organization or group membership. They can assign roles to people in the organization. This is the contact that will appear in the organization directory. There can only be one contact assigned as the Primary Contact per Membership.  The primary is the owner. Read this article to learn how to add or edit a contact role as an administrator.


How to Add or Edit an Employee Accounts or Group Members as an Administrator

All members of a Group Membership, except for its Primary Contact, are called ‘Employee Accounts or Group Members.’

If your member organization only allows one membership per member organization.  Then do not enroll more than one contact into that Group Membership category All but Primary Contact must be then added as an Employee Account or Group Member, or you will encounter errors in reporting and renewals.

You are able to have multiple Primary Contacts with the same group membership category with different Employee Account or Group Members.  For example, If you have an organization the has five departments that want to become members. Each department head would be the Primary Contact for the Group Membership and all Employees that they wanted to attached to the membership (receive Member Portal access) would have an Employee Account. 

Read this article to show you how, as an Administrator, can add related contacts to a Group Membership without requiring any sign-up or work for these new group members. 


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