How to Cancel a Confirmed Attendee’s Event Registration

This article will describe how to cancel a confirmed attendee’s registration for an event. The first section will describe how to cancel registration by using the Administration Dashboard’s Events page, and the second section will describe how to cancel registration by using the “Impersonate” tool.

Canceling Through the Events Page

Accessing Event Reports

1. From the Admin Dashboard, hover over 'Events' in the main menu and click 'Reports'


2. This will brings you to the Event Reports page.


3. Click the name of the event for which you will be canceling a registration.

5. Click on the tab labelled “Registration”. You should be on the 'Registration' tab by default, but if you have navigated away from it, click on it to get back to this step.

6. Click on the tab in the sub-menu labeled “Remove Registration”.

7. Click the trash can icon next to the name of the contact whose registration you are cancelling.


8. Press the “Confirm” button in the box that pops up to finish cancelling the registration.


Canceling Through the Impersonate Tool

1. Access the contact’s profile by entering their name in the bar labeled “Search Contacts” in the top toolbar, then clicking their name when it appears in the drop-down box.


Search Fred.png


2. On the contact detail page, click “Impersonate” in the left bar... Impersonate.png

...and then “Continue” in the box that pops up.

Impersonate Continue.png


3. You are now viewing the interface from the perspective of that contact. Click “Events” in the top toolbar, then “My Event Registrations” in the menu that appears.


4. In the 'My Event Registrations' page, find the event you want to remove the contact from and click the green 'Withdraw/Modify' button.


5. Click “Remove”, and then... the green “Confirm” button in the box that pops up.


Congratulations, you have successfully canceled an event registration!

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