How To Manage Failed Credit Card Transactions


There is a wide range of reasons that a credit card payments can fail. Follow this guide to eliminate them one by one, and successfully process the transaction.

Confirm Correct Credit Card Details, and Try Again

Most often, Credit Card transactions will fail due to user error. Check with the payee to confirm the following information:


Credit Card Type

What type of credit card is your payee using?

  • It’s not uncommon for payees to accidentally select one type of card, and input the information of another one.

    As well, you’ll want to check if your payment processor is configured to accept the type of card your payee is using. AMEX and Discover cards, for example, are often not accepted!


Credit Card Number

  • This number is long, and it’s common to make an error when inputting it. Ensure that your member has not made a mistake by having them double-check their credit card number when processing their payment.


  • When processing a credit card payment, it’s important to ensure that the name your payee has used online is exactly the same as the one on the card. Any differences will lead to a failed credit card transaction.


  • There are many ways that incorrect credit card expiry information can be inputted. Have your payee confirm that the one they’ve used matches the one on their credit card.


  • The CVV is the 3 digit number on the back of a credit card. It is updated every time a credit card is lost or renewed, so have your payee check to see if they’ve used the right one.


  • Credit Card Addresses are a common piece of information to be inputted erroneously. Often, payees will use the location of their home or business, which isn’t always the correct one! To avoid transaction failure, it’s important that the address inputted is the one registered to the credit card.

Try an Alternative Credit Card

If all of the above information has been inputted correctly by your payee, then it’s possible that there is something wrong with the card. To control for this possibility, ask your payee to try using a different credit card.

Manually Process The Credit Card as a Member365 Admin

When multiple cards lead to transaction failure, it’s still a possibility that a payee is still entering information improperly. To be absolutely certain that the information is correct, try inputting it yourself manually.

You can find a tutorial on how to do so here.

Manually Process The Credit Card From Your Payment Gateway

When manual payment processing doesn’t work, then it’s likely that communication between your payment gateway provider and Member365 is encountering an error.

To see if this is the case, log into the account you have with your payment gateway provider and process the payment manually. Select your payment processing service below to find out how.





Call Your Payment Gateway

If processing the payment manually through your payment gateway doesn’t work, then there is either an issue with your payee’s credit card, or your payment gateway.

In either case, resolving this issue will require you to get in touch with your payment gateway’s support staff. They be able to tell you the nature of the issue, and how to move forward to solution!

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