Membership Renewal Checklist

This checklist is to help outline the items you should be reviewing 90 days before your annual renewals or yearly for your anniversary and term memberships to ensure the setup still meet your organization's requirements.  


Create/Update General Ledger Accounts

It is highly recommended to recreate a New General Ledger account for your new member applications and one for your renewals.  The reason you want to do this is to be able to easily track through the revenue report where your revenue is coming from as the rule of thumb is 80% comes from renewals, and 20% comes from new members. Learn more about creating custom General Ledger accounts. Click Here.


Confirm Payment Gateway Configuration 

The most common mistake with payment gateways it a missed bill or a password change. If you have changed your payment gateway password, please update it in your Member365 account. All make sure your payment gateway account is up to date.  Learn how to configure your payment gateway by Clicking Here.


Review Membership Category Descriptions

As policies and fees change year over year to increase membership acquisitions and retention, it is essential to review your membership category descriptions to ensure they are up to date with the correct information.  This piece of information is essential because it can be one of the first impressions a member has of your organization and can be a deciding factor as to whether they join your organization or not.  Learn more about writing Membership Category Descriptions. Click Here.


Review Membership Fees

Over the years membership pricing can change to meet the needs of your members and your growing organization.  Always double-check that your application and renewal fees are up to date. Learn how to update your membership fees. Click Here.


Review Renewal Reminder Schedule

It is said that it can take up to nine times to remind someone to do a task.  Which is why we recommend you send multiple reminder emails before and after the renewal date. Here is our recommend email reminder schedule: 


IMPORTANT NOTE:  Do not forget to set up manual and automatic renewal reminders if you have Automated Recurring Billing.

Learn how to configure your renewal reminder emails. Click Here.


Review Renewal Reminder Emails

The most important item in your renewal remind is the renewal tag '{URL}.'  This tag automatically generates the link in the email for the membership and the specific member allowing the member to click the link in the email to complete the renewal application without login to the member portal.  We always recommend making this as generic as possible because if you have dates in the content it can be time-consuming to update each email yearly.  Learn how to configure your renewal reminder email and add the {URL} tag with a hyperlink. Click Here.

Email Example:



If Applicable:

Review Membership Flow (Approval Process)

Do you have an approval process on your membership applications? Does it apply to your renewal applications? If you yes, it is best practice to review the settings a new option can because available and make sure it is set up to your organization requirements. Learn how to configure your approval process. Click Here.


Review Application Form

You are asking any additional questions other than the basic contact information.  Is there information you need from your member on a yearly basis. It's best practice to review the membership and directory forms that are attached to your application and renewal process.  Some questions may not apply and are outdated, others may need to be added.  You may even want to start from scratch are your organization is refocusing.  Learn how to edit or update form questions. Click Here.


Review Disclaimers

Laws change so it is best practice to review your disclaimers annually and consult with a lawyer to ensure you have the correct wording for your members to understand and agree to these disclaimers.  Learn how to edit you disclaimer. Click Here.


Website Integration for Membership Applications

During this time of the year, it is common for an organization to add or remove membership categories.  Please make you if this applies to you that you update the application links on your public website. Learn how to access your membership application link.  Click Here.


Congratulations! You are ready for your renewal season.



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