How to Access and Create Organizational Demographics

This article will guide you through accessing and creating organizational demographics. Organizational demographics are categories that will allow you to sort your members.

Accessing Organizational Demographics

1. On the top bar, click ‘Configuration.'


2. In the section marked ‘Organizational Records’, click ‘Setup‘.

Org record Setup.png


3. You will arrive at the Organization Settings page, which provides three options for Member Categories: ‘Add‘ to create a new category, ‘Modify‘ to edit the name of an existing one, and ‘Delete‘ to remove one.

Add Modify delete Org Settings.png


IMPORTANT NOTE: The individual processes for creating and editing categories are fairly straightforward, but note that you cannot add a category without providing a label for both language options — English and French. The French alternative does not have to be any different from the English version; it must simply be present before the category can be added.

Congratulations, you are now able to add, modify or delete organizational demographics!

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