How to Modify the Email Address Receiving Submission Notifications

Why would you want to add or update this field? If you want one (or more) of your administrators to receive an email every time a Membership Application or Renewal is received. This article will guide you through changing the email address that receives notifications whenever a Membership Application/Renewal is submitted.


Access the Membership Category

1. From the Member365 Administrator Dashboard, hover over ‘Membership’ on the navigation bar at the top of the screen and click 'Category Setup' in the dropdown menu

Category Setup.png


2. Locate the Membership Category whose renewal settings you which to adjust, then click its name.

Certified Member Category.png


3. On the ‘Overview‘ tab - the page you land on - scroll down to the 'Administrator Submission Notifications' section.


6. Add or modify the emails in the 'Send email notifications to these email addresses (Separate each email address with a comma)' text field. 

7. Click 'Save Membership' to save you updates.


Congratulations, you have changed the email address to which submission notifications are sent!

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