If you run into the case where you need to extend one person's grace period beyond that of the rest of the category they are in, this article will guide you through extending the membership renewal grace period for a single member.
Some reasons you might need to do this are:
- if one of your members contacts you saying they ran into a family emergency and can't pay their membership fees for a given amount of time.
- if you want to give someone a free month (or more) of the membership for the year and you have prorated rates configured in that category.
- any other reason you find yourself in a position where you need to give someone an extended grace period beyond the normal category limits.
Accessing a Contact Record
1. Access the contact’s profile by entering their name in the bar labeled ‘Search Contacts‘ in the top toolbar, then clicking their name when it appears in the drop-down box.
2. In the contact profile, find the section on the right labeled ‘Membership/Subscription Summary’.
Extending the Grace Period
3. Enter the date until which you would like to extend the grace period into the ‘Extend Until‘ field and click the save icon.
Congratulations, you have extended the grace period for this member!
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