How to Enable the Secondary Contact Feature

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you follow the directions below and the admin assistant module doesn’t appear, it has been disabled.  In this scenario, please contact support.

This article will guide you through enabling the Secondary Contact feature. This allows you to set up a secondary contact attached to a single primary contact’s profile, causing any emails sent to this contact to be CCed to the secondary contact’s email address as well.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Secondary Contact function does not give that contact the ability to manage group accounts for the organization.

The first part of this guide will walk you through impersonating a contact; if you are enabling the Secondary Contact feature for yourself, skip this section and instead simply log in to the Administrator Dashboard and remove everything after “.com” in the address bar.


Impersonating a Contact

1. From the Member365 Administrator Dashboard, click the ‘Search Contacts‘ bar and enter the name of the contact to whom you would like to assign an event registration. Click their name once it appears.

Search Fred.png


2. On their contact profile, click the ‘Impersonate‘ button on the left-hand side.



3. Click ‘Continue‘ in the prompt that appears.

Impersonate Continue.png


Enabling the Secondary Contact

4. In the Member Portal, click ‘My Account‘ and then ‘My Profile‘ in the drop-down menu.

Account My Profile.png


5. Click the ‘Contact Info‘ sub-tab.

My Profile Contact Info.png


6. Scroll down to the ‘Secondary Contact’ section and fill in the fields, then click ‘Update My Profile‘.

Secondar Contact Info.png

Do you want to CC the secondary on all emails that are sent to the primary contact? — Ensure this button is checked off if you want the Secondary Contact to receive EVERY email that is sent to the primary contact.


Verifying Assistant Details

7. Return to the contact’s profile by clicking "Return to CRM" at the top right of the Member Portal

Return tp CRM.png


8. Scroll down to the very bottom of the Contact Details Page.

Scroll DOwn Contact Page.png

And on the right side, find the ‘Additional Information‘ section in the lower-right. If it is collapsed, click to expand it.

Additional Contact Info.png


9. Click the ‘Secondary Contact‘ tab to review the details you have entered.

Verify Secondary Contact.png


Congratulations, you have enabled the Secondary Contact feature!

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