How to Create a Membership Application Form

This article will allow you to provide Members the option to add a checkbox question during the application process.

This article will first describe how to create a new membership form, and then add the extended fields where Members can answer the questions on the membership Application Form.

Creating a New Membership Form

1. From the Dashboard, Click 'Modules' > 'Forms'  > 'Create'

2. Find the section labeled 'Membership' and click 'Create'.

3. Enter a name for this form; this name will not be seen by the Member when they apply and is for your use only. Select “Membership” in the drop-down box labeled “Category”.



Designing and Applying a Membership Form


4. Click “Launch Form Question Editor” in the bottom left to open the Extended Field Form editor. Consult our Knowledge Base article on the Form Question Editor to create your form, and then return to this page once you have clicked ‘Save‘ in the editor.

5. In the ‘Create Form’ page, click ‘Save Draft‘ to save your work for further adjustment later, or click ‘Publish‘ to finalize the form.


Adding an Extended Field to a Membership Category’s Application Form

1. From the Member365 Administrator Dashboard, click ‘Membership’ on the bar at the top of the screen.


2. Click ‘Category Setup’ on the submenu on the left side of the page that follows.



3. Locate the Membership Category whose emails you wish to edit, using the search bar if necessary, then click its name.


5. Click the tab labeled “Application Form”.


6. Scroll down the to Section labeled “Custom Question/Fields” and toggle on the option called "Link a custom form to the membership category?"


7. Then select the form you want to attach to the membership category.


8. Click 'Save Membership' to save your updates.

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