How to Archive a Membership

The quickest way to cancel a Contact’s membership in Member365 is through archiving. When you archive a Contact’s membership, any permissions, renewal dates, or benefits associated with that membership are canceled immediately: the contact is unenrolled right away.

The Contact’s membership data, however, will remain saved on the system. When you cancel a Contact’s membership, you can still unarchive it since the data is always maintained.

1. From the Member365 Administrator Dashboard, type the name or email address of the Contact whose membership you wish to archive in the search bar at the top of the page. Click the Contact’s entry from the results to access their Contact Record


2. The Contact’s Memberships will be listed on the right of the page under ‘Membership/Subscription Summary’. If applicable, click the tab of the membership you wish to archive.

Archive the Membership

3. Click the ‘Archive Membership’ button that appears.

5. Click ‘Confirm’ on the confirmation window that appears to archive the membership.


6. The membership will be archived! Compare the following screenshot to the one from earlier.

You will notice that this Contact now only has one membership listed on their Contact Record. The membership named ‘Associate Individual’ has been archived successfully.

9. As mentioned earlier, the membership data will remain saved under this Contact’s ‘Membership (MMS)’ tab.

This membership has been canceled for the Contact in question, but since the data is saved you can unarchive the membership if you wish.


Congratulations, you now know how to archive a Contact’s membership!

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