This article will describe how to change the grace period that occurs after a membership expires. After the grace period passes, membership will expire and the member will have to apply for membership again.
Accessing the Membership Category
1. From the Member365 Administrator Dashboard, click ‘Membership’ on the bar at the top of the screen.
2. Click ‘Category Setup’ on the submenu on the left side of the page that follows.
3. Locate the Membership Category whose Grace period you wish to edit, using the search bar if necessary, then click the name of the membership category.
Editing the Grace Period
5. Click the “Renewals” tab.
6. Scroll down to the 'Member Portal Access Grace Period' section on the renewal page. Find the text box labeled “How many days after a member lapses will they have access to the member portal? ” and enter the desired number of days.
7. Click 'Save Membership' at the bottom right to save your work.
Congratulations, you have changed this membership type’s grace period!
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