The Fee Calculator allows you to charge applicants different amounts for memberships and renewals based on their answers to questions.
If you have ever wanted to charge different fees based on someone’s budget or salary, or any other criteria, continue reading this article!
Using the Fee Calculator
1. When configuring your Membership Fees, select the ‘Fee Calculator’ option.
2. Set your base ‘Application Fee’ and ‘Renewal Fee’ fields as necessary.
3. Enter a description for your Fee Calculator to be seen by your applicants. Click the ‘+ Add’ button next to ‘Calculation Questions’ to add the first criteria that will determine the fee logic.
Configuring Fee Questions
4. Write your question. This is the text that will be posed to members when they are completing their registration.
5. Specify an Invoice Label. This is what the line for the Fee Calculator charge will be labeled on the Membership Invoice.
Cost Per Unit
Suppose you had a cat-owner membership category. You can configure the Fee Calculator to charge increasing amounts based on how many cats an applicant owns.
The Membership Invoice will have a line for the Fee Calculator itself, and additional lines for any adjustments that stem from the maximum or minimum charge fields. Specify the sub-ledgers you want these additional lines to write to as necessary.
The sample above shows a payment confirmation screen for someone with six cats based on the example we’ve been using. Notice there is a separate line for the base application fee, a separate line for the Fee Calculator itself, and a separate line for the maximum-charge adjustment.
Fee Ranges
Suppose, instead, you wanted to charge different amounts based on an applicant’s salary or budget. You can do this by using Fee Ranges instead of the Unit Cost method.
Toggle on ‘Apply Fee Ranges?’ and click the ‘+ Add Range’ button to create as many ranges as necessary.
In this example, an applicant would be charged $30 if their salary fell between $50001 and $100000. You can add as many Fee Ranges as you need.
This way, you can ask applicants for their salary or any other measurable criteria, and charge different amounts accordingly.
Congratulations, you now know how to use the Fee Calculator in Member365!
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