How to Grant or Revoke Member Portal Administrator Status

This article will guide you through granting or revoking Member Portal administrator status for a user. Note that this status is distinct from granting administrator privileges that apply to the Administrator Dashboard back-end interface; this will only allow them to edit workspaces, the welcome message and other content specific to the Member Portal.

Accessing Permissions

1. Log in to your Member365 Administrator Dashboard.

2. Click the ‘Search Contacts‘ bar at the top, enter the contact’s name or email address, and click the corresponding entry when it appears in the drop-down menu.

Search Fred.png


3. On the contact profile page, find and click ‘Permissions‘ on the left-hand side.

Contact Permissions.png


Setting Permissions

4. Click the ‘Member Portal & Workspace Access‘ tab.


5. Set the 'Do you want this contact to be a member portal Administrator?' toggle accordingly.


Congratulations, you have granted or revoked portal administrator privileges!

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