How to Tag a Contact

This article will guide you through adding a tag to a contact. Tags are a short word or phrase that can be attached to a contact for the purpose of organizing them when exporting lists — like “Authorized Representative”, “Vendor”, or other miscellaneous categorizations.

Tagging a Contact

1. Log in to your Member365 Administrator Dashboard.

2. Click the ‘Search Contacts‘ bar at the top, enter the contact’s name or email address, and click the corresponding entry when it appears in the drop-down menu.

Search Fred.png


3. Follow the right side of the page downwards until you find the ‘Tags‘ section.


Entering a tag into the ‘Write a new tag‘ does not create a new tag; it simply searches for the text you enter in all existing tags. If a result is found, it will appear in a drop-down menu below the text field; click it to add it.


4. If you wish to look at a list of existing tags, click ‘Shared Tags‘ to open a new window.

Click any tag under ‘Available Tags‘ to move it under ‘Selected Tags’ and vice versa. All tags under ‘Selected Tags‘ will be attached to this contact when you click ‘Apply‘.


Congratulations, you have tagged this contact!

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