How to Add a Contact


When you add a new contact to the CRM, it creates a Contact Record or Profile for the individual. This allows you to track their activities, purchase history, and more.


Here is how to add a contact to your Member365:


1. On your Administrator Dashboard, go to the main menu and hover over ‘Contacts.' Then click 'Create Contact.'


Add a Contact

The 'Contacts' page will allow you to input a range of details concerning your new contact. We have broken this down into the different sections of fields available.


1. Organization

Select the Organization in the dropdown or add a new one that is new contact is connected with.



1. Click this field to reveal a list of organizations. Navigate through it to find and select the right one for your contact.

2. If your contact’s organization is not on this list, you can add it by clicking the green ‘Add Organization’ button to the right of the menu.


2. Personal Information

These fields will allow you to input as much (or as little) information concerning your contact as you’d like.



Keep in mind that the more data you provide about your contacts, the better Member365 can help you engage them!


IMPORTANT NOTE: While Member365 will allow you to create a contact without one, it is highly recommended that you include an Email address.  This will allow you to send an email, provide them with access to the member portal, or provide them with administrator access to your system.


3. Social Media Information

Filling in your contact’s social media info isn’t necessary but can go a long way to helping you engage with your contacts. Social media is a valuable engagement channel, so be sure to take the time to fill this section out!

When entering social media handles, make sure you use the full URL, including the HTTPS, for example,




4. Email Consent

When you add a contact, the system will ask if you have permission to email that contact to adhere to CASL and CAN-SPAM laws. 

Please select the type of consent you have for your new contact.



5. Address Information


Clicking the blue ‘Add Address’ button in this field will open a menu allowing you to input your contact’s address.



All Done!

After you’ve finished inputting your contact’s address info, click the 'Save' button at the bottom of the page (pictured below), and you’re done!

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