How to Grant Workspace Permissions to a Specific Group

This article will guide you through setting permissions for groups of members in a Workspace, allowing them to access or upload to the file library, edit the Workspace description or post discussions.

Accessing Workspace Settings

Workspace Settings cannot be edited from the Administrator Dashboard. Instead, you must log in to the general Member Portal from your Administrator account.

Alternatively, navigate to the Member Portal side from the Administrator side by using the following steps.

1. From the Member365 Administrator Dashboard, click 'Member Portal'



2. Click on ‘Administration‘ in the top-right corner.

3. Find the name of the workspace to which you are looking to grant access, and click the pencil icon next to its name.


Granting Group Access

4. To grant access to a group, scroll down until you find ‘Access Assignments’ and click the ‘Add Assignment‘ button. 


5. In the dialogue box that opens, click one of the tabs to examine your options for selecting groups.


For instance, if you wish to allow members of a specific organization to access the workspace, click ‘By Organization Name‘ and select that organization from the drop-down list; if you wish to grant access to all registrants at a given event, click the ‘By Event Registration‘ tab, and select that event.

6. Fill in the checkboxes relating to the permissions that you would like to grant this group, click ‘Add‘. clicking ‘Add‘ when no permissions have been enabled — as in the image above — will add the group listed in the drop-down box in the role of ‘Observer’, able to view but not interact with or alter the group and its file library.


Edit Descriptions: Allows users to directly edit the Welcome Description message for the Workspace and for Workspace items.
Upload Files: Allows users to upload files to the Workspace.
Post Discussions: Allows users to participate in Workspace Discussions, and to post new ones.


7. Upon successfully providing permissions to a group, you will find a box under the ‘Add Assignment’ button that looks like this:



In this case, all users belonging to Member365 may access but not alter the workspace. If you have provided additional permissions, they will appear here in place of ‘Observer’.

8. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for all groups to whom you would like to grant Workspace access.

9. Scroll to the bottom and click ‘Save & Return‘.

Congratulations, you have set Workspace permissions for a group or groups of users!

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