How to Create a Workspace

Do you need a place where you can communicate with your users without leaving Member365?

Using workspaces you and your members can engage in conversations through discussions and sharing files in
different areas. You'll have the flexibility of providing access to individuals or for a whole group.
You'll have the steps to create a personalized workspace by reading this article. 

Creating a Workspace

1. Login to your Member365 Administrator Dashboard.

2. Click on 'Member Portal'.



3. Click “Administration” in the top-right corner.


4. Click “Create Workspace”.


You will reach an interface that looks like this:


5. Enter a name for the workspace in the box next to “Workspace Name”.


Additional Workspace Settings

6.The first section consists of settings that can be toggled for the workspace.


Auto-bookmark for all Members:
Auto-bookmark will place a reference to this workspace on the member portal dashboard seen upon login.
Enable Discussions:
Enabling discussions will allow contacts who access to this space to be able to view and participate in a threaded discussion forum.
Enable File Library:
Enabling the file library will allow you to create a library of resources that contacts are able to view and download.
Enable Events:
Enabling events will enable you to publish events that are only available by members belonging to this workspace.


How to enable the Workspace Directory Field Permissions

7. In this section, you can choose which information will be displayed, which fields must be shown in the workplace directory listing, and which ones the users can choose to show or hide.

Enable Directory – when this is toggled on it displays the information, including email address, organization name, job title, residential & telephone, business phone, organization phone, and cell phone.



Which information will appear in the workspace directory 

By default all settings will be toggled off when you create workspace. You can choose below which details you would like to appear in the workspace directory. 

Email Address:
An email address is a unique identifier for an email account. 
Organization Name:
The name of the organization. 
Job Title:
A name that describes the contact job or position. 
Residential Address & Telephone:
The primary residential address and phone number. 
Business Address & Telephone:
The primary address and phone number of the business. 
Organization Address & Telephone:
The primary address and phone number of the organization. 
Cell phone
The primary contacts cellphone number. 
The description relating to the contact, business or organization. 
Contact Image
The contact image relating to the business or organization. 


Email Notification Settings

8. The next section you will have the flexibility to select the frequency that emails are sent to contact that have access to the workspace. You can choose to set the email frequency of instantly, daily, weekly, monthly or never. 



9. You have the option of forcing email notifications.

If you toggle yes, all contacts within the workspace will NOT be able to turn the email notifications off.
If you toggle no, all contacts will be able to change their notifications settings within the workspace. 


How to assign access to the workspace

10. Click "Access Assignment"to decide which groups have permission to view the workspace, edit its description, upload files, or post discussions. You will be given the opportunity to assign permissions to specific members in a later step, and are not required to assign any permissions to progress. 


11. Once you click “Assign Access” it will bring up a new dialogue box.




For instance, if you wish to allow members of a specific organization to access the workspace, click “By Organization Name” and select that organization from the drop-down list, click the permissions you wish to grant them, then click “Add”.

If you wish to grant permissions to all members or to all non-members, click “By Organization Group”, select that group from the drop-down menu, select the permissions you wish to grant, then click “Add”.

These selections can also be applied, by using the last three respective tabs, to contacts in a specific membership or subscription category, to attendees of a specific event, to specific contact demographics or to a list.

Clicking “Add” when no permissions have been enabled (in the image above, none have been enabled) will add the group listed in the drop-down box in the role of “Observer”, able to view but not interact with the group.

Selecting “Edit Descriptions” will allow the chosen group to edit the workspace description, enabling “Upload Files” will allow the chosen group to upload files to the workspace, and enabling “Post Discussions” will allow the chosen group to post discussion topics or comments to the workspace.

Using workspace categories to stay organized

12. Click “Assign Category” and it will bring up a new dialogue box. 

Clicking “Add Top Level Category” will allow you to enter a name for a new category, and if any categories already exist, they will appear as well, and you will have the option to add a sub-category by clicking the corresponding button.

Click “Assign” next to the desired category or sub-category to assign this workspace to that category.



13. Once you are satisfied with the settings you have chosen on this page, click the green button "Save".

14. Optional:  Continue to Step 2 – Assign Access”. This will bring you to a list of your contacts, and you will be able to assign the permissions described in step 7 on an individual basis.



Access must first be granted to the individual by checking the box under “Assign Access”, and you will then be able to grant permission to edit the description, upload files and/or participate in discussions.

These changes will take effect immediately upon checking or un-checking the corresponding boxes.


15. If you remove the access granted to a member, you will see a small green arrow underneath "assign access" and on the right hand said you will see that it shows when the access was revoked. "Updated Manually by ____________- on _________________".


16. Click the green button "Save".


Accessing Workspaces

17. Your new workspace can be accessed by clicking the new button “Workspaces” on the bar under your logo.


You will be brought to a page listing all of your workspaces. Clicking the arrow beside the Workspace category name will expand a category to display all workspaces in that category and any subcategories within it. Clicking on the workspace name (the blue text) will bring you into that workspace.

Congratulations, you have successfully created a workspace!

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