Directories, Primary Contact Only or All Employee Accounts?

When you create a directory, you may want it to only show the Primary Contact (e.g., if you have a business/organization directory - so you're not listing the same business/organization multiple times) or you may want to show all the Employee Accounts (e.g., if you want members to be able to find particular contacts at each business). In this article, we will look at how to toggle between the two possibilities for directories, and how to set up two directories at the same time - one of which shows everyone, and one of which only shows Primary Accounts.


Directory with Only Primary Contacts

1. First, we need to configure the relevant setting in the Membership Category (or Categories) itself. Hover over 'Membership', then select 'Category Setup' from the drop down menu.

Membership Category Setup.png


2. Click on the Membership Category you want to configure. 

Certified Member Category.png


This is only relevant for Group Memberships and you will need to do this for EACH Group Membership Category included in the directory.


3. Select 'Group Membership'


4. Scroll down and ensure 'Group Accounts in Directory?' is toggled to 'NO'


5. Set up your directory as normal, and only the primary contacts will appear. Please refer to this article to learn how to set up a directory.


Directory with Employee Accounts

6. Follow steps 1-3, but instead of selecting 'NO' on step 4, set the 'Group Accounts in Directory?' toggle to 'YES'


7. Set up your directory as normal, and all the employee accounts will appear.


Both Types of Directories at the Same Time

The "default" will be Directories that include Employee Accounts, so follow steps 6-7, above. The trick is to create a directory with only the Primary Accounts, even with the 'Group Accounts in Directory?' toggle set to 'YES'. To do this, follow the steps below:

8. Set up a list of Primary Contacts following these steps

8.1. Hover over 'List' and select 'Create List' from the drop down menu

Create Lists.png

8.2. Name your list "Primary Contacts" (or something else descriptive and easy to remember) and click 'Continue'

8.3. Click 'Membership'

8.4. Click 'Membership Category - Primary Accounts'. ***Note: you may wish to choose 'Membership Status - Primary Accounts' and then 'Active' if you only want to include Active Members (in which case, name the list something like "Active Primary Contacts")***

8.5. Select all the Primary Accounts you want to include in this list - or click 'Check All' to include them all - and then click 'Save'

8.6. Click 'Save List'


9. Now, we need to set up a Contact Demographic that will connect the people in this list to the Directory.

9.1. Hover over 'Modules', then hover over 'Forms', and select 'Create'

9.2. Click 'Create' in the 'Contact Demographic' box

9.3. Name your form and select (or Add) a category (and Sub-category, if you would like) that makes sense for your organization

9.4. go to the 'Access' tab and select 'List Access'

9.5. Click the 'Select a Contact List' drop down and select the list made in step 8

9.6. With your list selected, click 'Publish'


Configuring the Directory

10. This section assumes that you know the basics of setting up a directory. If you do not, please review this article. Once you have a directory mostly configured, from the Admin Dashboard, hover over 'Modules', then 'Directory', and click 'Manage Directories'


11. Select the Directory in which you want only Primary Contacts to appear 


12. In the 'Setup' tab, select the Contact Demographic that you created in step 9 (and ensure none of the Membership Categories are selected) 


13. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click 'Save'


Congratulations! You know how to set up directories with only Primary Accounts, with all Employee Accounts, and/or having some directories with only Primary Contacts and others that include Employee Accounts!

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