If you want to use one form for Membership Applications and Renewals but you have some questions that you only want (or need) to appear on either the Application or Renewal form (not both), you can choose what questions will appear on the form for each process individually. The following article walks you through how to do just that.
Navigate to the Form
1. From the dashboard of the Admin Portal, hover over 'Modules', then hover over 'Forms', and select 'Manage' from the subsequent dropdown menu.
2. Select the form you wish to edit by clicking on its name.
***Note: ensure the form you are selecting is listed as 'Membership' in the 'Type' column.***
3. Click the 'Launch Form Editor' button
Enable/Disable a Question on the Application Form
4. Navigate to the question you wish to enable/disable on the Application form and click 'Setup'
5. Click 'Properties'
6. At the top of the 'Question Properties' pop up you will see a field "Appears on application". If the box beside it is checked off, it will appear on the Application form. If it is not checked off, it will not appear. Click 'Update' to save your changes.
Enable/Disable a Question on the Renewal Form
7. Follow steps 4 and 5 above. This time however, go to the second field in the 'Question Properties' pop up - "Appears on renewal". If the box for this field is checked off, this question will appear on the Renewal form. If it is not checked off, it will not appear. Click 'Update' to save your changes.
8. Click 'Save Question'
9. Click 'Save'
10. Click 'Publish'
Congratulations! Now you know how to disable a field in a membership application or renewal form.
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