Before Jumping Into Events

Before jumping into creating an event make sure you have these things ready to ensure your event creation is smooth and efficient.

1. Word Document with the following details:

  • Name of the Event
  • Description of the Event
  • Date of Event - Any other dates that you will be offering (Early Bird, Late Reg, Modification dates)
  • Fee's Associated with the dates
  • Address of the Event
  • Ticket types & Prices
  • Meals, Workshops, Add-Ons that are being offered (if any)
  • Available Promotion Codes (if any)
  • Email Confirmations, Email Reminders
  • Disclaimers

2.  Event Logo

  • Event Banner (550 pixels wide X 800 pixels high)
  • Background page (1200 pixels wide X 400 pixels high)


3. Who/ how many individuals can attend (non-members, certain members, Membership types)

  • Create a Form to attach to an Event (if required)
  • Create a form to attach to a ticket (if required)

Find attached word document for an example event details to have ready ahead of time.

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