Before jumping into creating an event make sure you have these things ready to ensure your event creation is smooth and efficient.
1. Word Document with the following details:
- Name of the Event
- Description of the Event
- Date of Event - Any other dates that you will be offering (Early Bird, Late Reg, Modification dates)
- Fee's Associated with the dates
- Address of the Event
- Ticket types & Prices
- Meals, Workshops, Add-Ons that are being offered (if any)
- Available Promotion Codes (if any)
- Email Confirmations, Email Reminders
- Disclaimers
2. Event Logo
- Event Banner (550 pixels wide X 800 pixels high)
- Background page (1200 pixels wide X 400 pixels high)
3. Who/ how many individuals can attend (non-members, certain members, Membership types)
- Create a Form to attach to an Event (if required)
- Create a form to attach to a ticket (if required)
Find attached word document for an example event details to have ready ahead of time.
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